नमस्कार, टेक्-मराठीवर आपले स्वागत आहे. हे संकेतस्थळ मराठीतून लाटेक्-विषयीच्या प्रश्नोत्तरांकरिता बनवण्यात आले आहे. जर आपल्याला इंग्रजीतून मदत हवी असेल, तर कृपया topanswers.xyz/tex ह्या संकेतस्थळाचा वापर करा. प्रश्न मराठीतून विचारायचा असेल, तर कृपया ह्या पृष्ठावर `विचारा` हे लिहिलेली कळ दाबा व आपला टेक्-विषयक प्रश्न नेमक्या शब्दात नमूद करा.
In fact, [that's exactly why I thought it might be worth posting it here](https://twitter.com/itfoundry/status/1283299426774077442)! :grin: But it looks like there have been quite a few responses to the original tweet already.
Thanks for asking, but this is a group of Marathi TeX users. We can read Hindi, but can't really pass judgements on the behalf of actual speakers. The question seems to be specifically intended for the Hindi speakers.
Would anyone here like to [help Tyro Typeworks with this question][1] on Twitter? ("which numeral forms would you prefer to have as default...") [1]: https://twitter.com/TiroTypeworks/status/1283199521032306688

thanks, I think @निरंजन is going to log these on an answer [here](https://topanswers.xyz/meta?q=867) so we can keep track of them all
Now I also get Devanagari numerals. Maybe something with my cache. Sorry for the noise!
I get 
::: quote 893 34247 63f2880ca3adbf8049010a28b20b64a22d36f6d435f614c679fc1053e149b597 219,219,219 131,133,133 निरंजन *— २ दिवसांपूर्वी* *in [Request for a (La)TeX community in Marathi language.](/meta?q=867#c34247)* >०, १, २, ३, ४, ५, ६, ७, ८, ९ are Devanagari numerals. :::
"at some point in the future any English language messages in this room are liable for deletion!" Kein Problem, wer will schon Englisch sprechen :)
This is a very nice suggestion. Right now as per Jack's suggestion I've added a [blog-post](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=881) on English TeX.TA. I think it's better to shift the ongoing English discussion there :)
aha. Maybe an English explanation somewhere on the site ("about") would be helpful (though the link should've given me a hint).
notice: at some point in the future any English language messages in this room are liable for deletion!
that's because it is a sister community: TeX-Marathi. Some posts will be imported here from TeX and translated. Various things like the favicon will probably be slightly customized at some point I imagine!