Oh well! Thanks for checking into it, Jack. That's a wee shame as, given the things I look for, it seems like a very useful font with features lacking in other "standard" options.
I don't know why they have used separate fonts — I thought that was the point of font ranges…
so we can't have a single font that includes eg Devanagari glyphs, even using font ranges
@@@ wikipedia da7bf59592468f0352c45c732887eec5f752be5025ed8476800d6e01e58ff4b8 Vm3 "IBM Plex" "IBM Plex is an open source typeface superfamily conceptually designed and developed by Mike Abbink at IBM in collaboration with Bold Monday to reflect the brand spirit, beliefs and design principles of IBM and to be used for all brand experiences acr…"
::: quote 616 49755 a3dcb4a28d02bc1b0f512daff8c45997f195cec7e31a7426b00674fbb1c7a5fd 209,232,209 37,71,37 Adám replying to Jack Douglas *— a month ago* *in [The Nineteenth Byte](/codegolf?room=616#c49755)* >The modern approach is to use @font-face unicode-range :::
Strangely, the "fix" for Std Ebooks (have a the font locally installed) makes no difference here. 🤷♂️
Interesting - that same bug just bit the [Standard Ebooks project](https://groups.google.com/g/standardebooks/c/W7VNf7_oaUs/m/1Y6gbOKfAwAJ) (rendering for their online manual). I'm still thinking it would be great to have the [IBM Plex family](https://fonts.google.com/?query=ibm+plex) available on TA (especially the Sans) ... I'm not sure how these two things are connected, though! :D
In \*nix, I've got Source Sans for text, but DejaVu Sans Mono for code.
Just took a trawl through all the sites (oops! not Meta!) but FF gets syntax colours in Db, CG, TeX and \*nix, but NOT in PHP, WebClient, C++, C#, .Net, Pshell ... and too soon to tell in Python. ;)