Sorry, I missed replying to this. Please check. Thanks for the attention.
Thanks for your reply! Yes, Frougon was luckily able fix it themselves and hopefully it is such en edge case that it doesn't cause problems in the future.
that's interesting, but not sure it's worth looking into as the latest edit doesn't have any problems. It depends if it come up again, please let me know!
can you reply to me please so I can see if I get a Pushover message?
It seems there is a problem with rendering one of the posts in the TeX community, see and following comments for details. In case you have some spare time, could you maybe take a look?
Unfortunately I didn't get an email here either (only saw it as notification on the site itself). However thanks for testing!
Just to see if this is only a problem on TopTeX or here too, I am pinging you here. Let's see if you are notified.
... something strange I noticed with email notifications: I get emails for most notifications just fine, however I consistently don't get any mails for notifications by @निरंजन . (I already checked my spam folder). I think this reply to me for example should have generated an email: Can you see if these mails are sent out? Then I would know if this is a problem with my email provider.
I got one email for this chat message. If this means that mails for future notifications will work, that should be fine, shouldn't it?
I think I've worked this out now - have you got all the pending messages?
@Jack Update on the email notifications: yesterday, I got one email notification for an older chat message, but none for the contemporary messages.
Just for curiosity, I tried to post an answer and face the same problem. It is not just you -- in case this is any consolation.
Thanks for all the work Jack! for some reason the answer page won't load properly as of today, all I see is  I don't know if it is related or not.
I've migrated TA - it should be faster now, but if nothing is broken I'll be a bit surprised
::: quote 1 175789 ba1d6fd8881a87067fe28d71a5ddc594f0146228d32fe77a6399565d3b928bd8 219,219,219 131,133,133 Jack Douglas[ *— 8 days ago*](#c175789) >strangely enough I was in the middle of a big migration for db<>fiddle - TA is next :::
If you'd like a meta post or a github issue, let me know. My memories are vague enough (and I haven't tried to reproduce since that could be disruptive), so it's not a very good bug report right now.
NP. It was a case of "if you happened to remember", but with all the activity, that would have been a matter of luck.
Thanks. Do you know if you clicked the button twice or three times there? I'm trying to figure out if clicking it a second time undid the first. If it's always additive, then I don't need to aim for an odd number (and clutter up the history a little more).
(just for checking if it registered: the flagging and counter flagging seem to be visible in the answers history, e.g. )
@jack yesterday I saw some unexpected behavior with flagging, and I don't know if it's a real bug or an effect of those circumstances. When I flag or counterflag a question, the icon changes color so I can tell I've done it. I tried counterflagging two or three answers and there was no change in appearance. I tried to make sure I clicked an odd number of times, in case I was toggling it and there was just a UI bug, but I never figured out if it was registering but not lighting up, or not registering.
Thanks for all the cleanup, Jack and Sam! I saw and flagged a bit before getting interrupted, and hadn't realized the extent of the problem until way later.
Thanks! (that's probably not how you imagined your Sunday evening to be - thanks for reacting so quickly!)
(I hope I counter-flagged all their flags on TA/tex, but in case you can see a list of their flags, maybe double check, if I missed one)
Could you add a counter flag to and
Hi Jack, today I got an error while posting a response in chat. Not sure whether you have to look into it at all, on the next try it worked instantly. Anyway, this was the message I got: ``` 500 Internal Server Error 40P01: ERROR: deadlock detected DETAIL: Process 13206 waits for ShareLock on transaction 114447210; blocked by process 13216. Process 13216 waits for ShareLock on transaction 114447198; blocked by process 13206. HINT: See server log for query details. CONTEXT: while updating tuple (41,146) in relation "account" SQL function "new" statement 9 ```
Msg 1101 Level 17 State 12 Line 1 Could not allocate a new page for database 'fiddle_18db0a5382d849b2a8cf9f9addf716f8' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup 'PRIMARY'. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.
Merry Christmas to you and your family! And thank you very much for hosting this fantastic site! It is so nice to have an independent place for a TeX community! 
Since some time, I'm no longer receiving emails from TopAnswers for new notifications (flags, chat replies etc.). I already tried a different email address. Do you happen to have an idea where the problem might be?