Well German has a few weirdnesses which make it absolutely not phonetic. For instance for adjectives the ending "-ig" is pronounced like "-ich" (in standard German and northern dialects, southern dialects pronounce it `-ig`), but for (every?) other words an ending in some soft consonants is pronounced with their hard alternatives. For instance a word ending in "-d" is pronounced as if it's ending in "-t". Also Germans put breaks between each words and between two consecutive vowels.
Interesting! I had heard that the Germanic group of languages has complex sound systems than the Romance group. I can kind of see that by looking at German and Italian, at least. (Oh and of course, English too!)
Big names of the Nazi regime were quite known for their pronunciation of R (to the point that if someone you know rolls the R you usually know instantaneous that they're parodying Hitler). We actually have regionally different ways to pronounce the r even. From the top of my head I can think of 3 distinct ways to form an R (and then you got people who roll it longer than others), one of which is really at the same spot like the X in TeX, though with a slight roll to it, so it sounds different.
So "wichtig" is [[ˈvɪçtɪç]](https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/wichtig), "Loch" is [[lɔx]](https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Loch), and "Chamäleon" is [[kaˈmɛːleˌɔn]](https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/Cham%C3%A4leon).
No, German has an R, just not an Indian sounding one. We actually have different `r` sounds. The "X" from TeX is spelled "ch" (though that letter combination has three ways to pronounce it, "Loch" and "ach" for instance sound like TeX, if a word starts with "ch" it's usually pronounced like "k" (and only written with "ch" for ethymologic reasons), and then we have words like "wichtig" in which it's pronounced differently from TeX -- TeX has the sound near your throat, "wichtig" has it in the front of your mouth. I'll see whether I can find some IPA transliterations.
Ahh, great! I think you have the sound of "X" from "TeX" in place of R, right?
I think except for the "R" that's just the German pronunciation of your transliteration.
Niranjan; NI - RAN (as in _/run/_) - JAN (the same vowel as in _/run/_, but with a _/j/_).
and the spotlight has highlighted something exactly when it was needed for a super secret project.. :)
Markdown supports nesting of arbitrary stuff by indenting with four spaces in the sources. That includes nesting of enumeration lists (as shown by @samcarter with a suitable `pandoc` configuration).
(disclaimer: I have no idea if the html export can do this) For the pdf: ``` --- output: pdf_document header-includes: - \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.} - \renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\arabic{enumi}.\arabic{enumii}} - \renewcommand{\labelenumiii}{\arabic{enumi}.\arabic{enumii}.\arabic{enumiii}} --- #. test #. test #. test #. test #. test #. test #. test ``` ![Screenshot 2024-11-18 at 10.41.38.png](/image?hash=fad1d81dd1f6b0049b4961903945141df94af8ebdaa04afa3ee3904896c5f4f5)
markdown can't do the numbering (1, 1.1, 1.1.1) for the multi-level lists unfortunately
@Jack `make4ht` did a good job for me. The layout which you want can be designed in the standard LaTeX class `book` or maybe with a little more enhanced `memoir`. Markdown is okay too, but using TeX will give you highly extensible and customisable results. I have tried `make4ht` with simple as well as complicated TeX files and it yielded very good results. Just a personal opinion, if TeX is involved in a multi-flavored project and it is to be version controlled, it is always better to _write_ in TeX and then convert it to any format required. Some people I know have tried the XML-first approach as XML is even more marked up; but I don't think it yielded satisfactory results. Getting used to TeX is not trivial, but it is not as scary as it is perceived to be is what I feel. You may of course ask questions on TopTeX for help, I think most of us would love to help you out. :)
There are several packages/classes for legal texts, e.g. https://ctan.org/pkg/contract If you'd like to have both html and pdf, I'd second @Skillmon's idea about using markdown. Once you have the text in markdown, something like pandoc could be used to convert it to html and (via latex) to pdf (and can be automated via github actions or similar). If you face any specific problems, e.g, how to set up the page headers etc., I'd be more than happy to help!
Looks certainly doable, but I doubt there is a class or template that yields your results without some manual work on getting the formatting right. I'd use LuaLaTeX (because there are underlined things, and underlining text is a hard problem in TeX without LuaTeX, for which there is the fabulous `lua-ul` package). There are different projects to generate HTML from TeX, some of which look quite promising, but I have no experience with any of those. But I have to say, that PDF has a very non-uniform look to it :) Nothing I'd personally want to create. Also for someone not that experienced with TeX it might be a good idea to use a different method to generate something like that (for instance, with a quick glance I spotted nothing that couldn't be done in Markdown).
I looking for a text-based fomat that can be version-controlled and used to generate a PDF (and preferably also HTML)
Hi, quick question if I may, would something in the TeX world be useful for a document like this: https://rbwm.moderngov.co.uk/documents/g9871/Public%20reports%20pack%20Wednesday%2001-May-2024%20The%20Councils%20Constitution.pdf?T=10&Info=1
Okay, including separate PDFs was much easier than this. I will go with that.
well, you could patch the responsible code to revert that to the LaTeX standard. But, without looking into the documentation, I don't think there is a user-facing option for that, no.
Thanks! Is there any way to locally turn this off? I would like to make the ugly uglier :P (Edit: I created and added standalone PDFs, urgh, really hurtful to eyes :cry:).
For anyone interested in unusual musical instruments, here's something you might like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AN1OAXyjf9c
with `array.sty` loaded the vertical rules take up width making the table a tad wider (it's easy to spot in your GIF).
Wow! I tried unloading and loading again just to spot the difference, but sob, my eyes are not yet ready. Can you explain how you inferred that?
I have books but they are in german. Start with Peano Axioms, e.g. https://www.southampton.ac.uk/~wright/1001/appendix-b---peanos-axioms.html. And read Gödel, Escher, Bach from Douglas R. Hofstadter, not directly about numbers but good for the logic background of axiomatic systems.