yeah, I was in a maximum hurry (had to finish something that night which I only knew on the day itself); if I have time, I can do proper questions with MWE the wrapfig was directly after `\begin{document}`, but it didn’t specify a number of lines; I figured that would be okay because the normal body lines that went far enough to the right (quite a ways below it, too) were ok, but a few pages later the section headings were still too narrow
@mirabilos if you need help with something I suggest you create a minimal example and ask a proper question. That aside: Your `wrapfig` was probably used inside a group or something, it's known that it breaks following paragraphs if used incorrectly.
… and of course, now I see cells/rows aren’t broken *anyway*, but still getting rid of the minipage is technically better, maybe…
minipages around work but aren’t breakable, and adding a tcolorbox around THEM gives me an error the first time one would be broken, so meh
gah, I run into the best things… `\setlist[itemize]{before=\vspace{-\parskip},topsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt,leftmargin=*,after=\strut,itemsep=0.5ex}%` fails to remove the vertical space before a list inside a table cell (as does `topsep=-\parskip`) and on SE everyone says this works for them…
I probably should just set the picture into the page background, it doesn’t even overlap with text when not wrapping…
As others have mentioned, most just works out of the box in both engines. Just don't load `fontenc` nor `inputenc` (which you don't need to load nowadays as long as you're using UTF8 file encoding since that's the default in LaTeX). All the other major packages just work™ and you even get a select few great packages that only work in LuaTeX (`lua-ul` is by far the best underlining package for instance, and there is `chickenize`).
I know the list of issues, see And I can promise you that at least we (the latex team) will not fix them. I looked long enough into the code to know that it is hopeless. And I also know the changes we made in the past time to the tabular code, and tabu will not like that. And I normally do not use tabularray, but the normal tabular, which works fine and is fast.
funny, it’s not broken for me, whereas the supposed replacement completely breaks being able to build within reasonable timeframes no, you’ll pry `tabu` from my cold dead fingers ;-)
you should not use tabu. It was already broken in 2020 and it will not get better.
but at least a basic font test seems to work (cannot check all details, but I got the european a/g at least)
CharacterVariant takes two values, but all I know is I have to enable cv37 cv47 cv68 cv69 cv77 and cv79
You probably don't need inputenc - I think utf8 is used as default since 2018 or 19?
ok, trying… I’m putting the inputenc/fontenc behind `\ifluatex` to have a fallback
In case you load `fontenc` in your document, you might want to remove it when switching to lualatex. With an up-to-date lualatex, that should be all that's necessary for most document. However with such an old lualatex, some packages might need additional options.
(and I very much prefer to stick to the older version because the chance of having `tabu` working are higher there)
So to answer "how do I even start?", just change the engine and try out `fontspec`. Mostly things should be fine.
This should work, all the PDFLaTeX code should _just work fine_. But if there is any problem, you have a specific question... ;-)
thanks; I was looking for a general “how do I even start” (beginning with “so I just run lualatex instead of pdflatex 2‥3 times, same parameters or lack thereof), the setmainfont command for example (that’s fontspec?)
Mostly your `pdflatex` code should work with `lualatex` too, but a recent and a full installation is recommended. You may try experimenting with the `fontspec` package which enables OpenType support in `lualatex`, but a specific question would help a lot. Typically, for loading an OpenType font (with a stylistic set) as the "main" font of the document, the following setup should work: ``` \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{fontspec} \setmainfont[StylisticSet={5}]{NewCM10-Book.otf} ```
from the 13 year old questions on SE it appears I mostly can use the same things as before except I have to read the fontspec manual first?
hi… about to try lualatex for the first time… is there a quick migration guide for people used to pdflatex? (mostly I want opentype stylistic sets, that’s why…)
Also, @Skillmon congratulations! ![blob](/image?hash=18cdbaf7ea7b1ab5534046da52a36f3c6d60663867038dbfe6d567d5ab79eb1b)
I've done it last week: got 20 GB back and it seems to work without problems so far.