Since we rabbits were the real builders of the pyramids, we of course know the answer!
# Base Puzzle
The following solves the normal (not the bonus) puzzle. But see the next section [Bonus Puzzle] below. This simply builds a formatted list of stones which the current stone might depend on and then iterates through said list to look for a combination of which both stones appear in the list.
Since I was lazy I didn't implement the search whether a stone is in the list expandably, and hence this is not fully expandable (though it is for the most part, only the search function isn't -- and the assignment for the list, which I could drop if I implemented an expandable search function).
I hope the comments are enough to understand the code.
% copy over the definition of `\prg_replicate:nn` but remove the leading
% `\exp:w` so that we can add it (`\romannumeral`) instead to get a single step
% of expansion.
\exp_args:NNno \exp_args:Nno \use:n { \cs_new:Npn \cd@f@replicate #1#2 }
{ \exp_after:wN \use_none:n \prg_replicate:nn {#1} {#2} }
\cs_new:Npn \solveAoC@pretty #1 { \clist_use:nnnn {#1} {~and~} {,~} {~and~} }
% input:
% #1: stone-number
% #2: number of stories
% returns (after \the):
% <story>;
% <first-block-of-story>;
% <last-block-of-story>;
% -2 since we already have one iteration in front, and don't need one for
% the last story
\ifnum#4<#1 % we found the story
% input:
% #1: stone-number
% #2: number of stories
% output after `\expanded`:
% list of neighbour pairs that would render this stone dependent in the
% following form: a1,b1;a2,b2;
% input:
% #1: story of new stone
% #2: left-most stone in that story
% #3: right-most stone in that story
% #4: stone-number
% output after `\expanded`:
% list of neighbour pairs that would render this stone dependent in the
% following form: a1,b1;a2,b2;
\ifnum#1>1 % not first story
% the two blocks below this block
\ifnum#4>#2 % not left-most stone
% the block to the left, and left-above
\ifnum#4<#3 % not right-most stone
% the block to the right, and right-above
% input:
% #1: stone-number
% #2: number of stories
% input:
% #1: list of stones
% #2: stone-number (curried)
% #3: number of stories (curried)
% output:
% first of two if dependent
% second of two if independent
% store input into variables
For a #3-story pyramid, with the stones \solveAoC@pretty{#1} already
carved, the stone #2 has a\checkdependent{#1}{#2}{#3}{ }{n in}dependent
This prints:

# Bonus Puzzle
This solves the bonus puzzle. Our approach is a bit different than the one above. Instead of checking the possible neighbour pairs being in the list we first build a list of all dependent stones (which we append to our input list). For that we need to nest several loops, again I hope the comments are sufficient to understand the code :P
% copy over the definition of `\prg_replicate:nn` but remove the leading
% `\exp:w` so that we can add it (`\romannumeral`) instead to get a single step
% of expansion.
\exp_args:NNno \exp_args:Nno \use:n { \cs_new:Npn \cd@f@replicate #1#2 }
{ \exp_after:wN \use_none:n \prg_replicate:nn {#1} {#2} }
\cs_new:Npn \solveAoC@pretty #1 { \clist_use:nnnn {#1} {~and~} {,~} {~and~} }
% input:
% #1: stone-number
% #2: number of stories
% returns (after \the):
% <story>;
% <first-block-of-story>;
% <last-block-of-story>;
% -2 since we already have one iteration in front, and don't need one for
% the last story
\ifnum#4<#1 % we found the story
% input:
% #1: stone-number
% #2: number of stories
% output after `\expanded`:
% list of neighbour pairs that would render this stone dependent in the
% following form: a1,b1;a2,b2;
% input:
% #1: story of new stone
% #2: left-most stone in that story
% #3: right-most stone in that story
% #4: stone-number
% output after `\expanded`:
% list of neighbour pairs that would render this stone dependent in the
% following form: a1,b1;a2,b2;
\ifnum#1>1 % not first story
% the two blocks below this block
\ifnum#4>#2 % not left-most stone
% the block to the left, and left-above
\ifnum#4<#3 % not right-most stone
% the block to the right, and right-above
% check if the stone is not already in the list, else add it to the list, and
% append it to the outer most loop of `\cd@f@complete@dependencies`.
% input:
% #1: number of stories
% #2: one element of our stone-list
% output:
% Adds all dependent stones to the `\cd@v@dependentlist`.
% input:
% #1: neighbour-A of a neighbourpair
% #2: neighbour-B of a neighbourpair
% output:
% Mayhaps adds neighbour-A to the dependentlist if neighbour-B is already part
% of that list (in which case neighbour-A is dependent on neighbour-B and
% the current element of the stone-list), or vice versa.
% end the inner dependency-loop, next iteration of the outer loop
% ends the outer dependency-loop
% input:
% #1: list of stones
% #2: stone-number
% #3: number of stories
% output:
% first of two if dependent
% second of two if independent
% store input into variables
For a #3-story pyramid, with the stones \solveAoC@pretty{#1} already
carved, the stone #2 has a\checkdependent{#1}{#2}{#3}{ }{n in}dependent
% new cases that would be independent with the base puzzle but become dependent
% with the bonus puzzle