
### What's that?
Inspired by @Marei's talk at the recent Dante meeting, I'd like to learn some expl3 during the summer. My plan is to tackle one small programming puzzle each day, e.g.
- print the first n Fibonacci numbers
- sort this list of students by the number of characters in their names
(nothing really tex specific, really just small puzzles for learning by doing. I hope they won't take too much time, even for beginners like me)
### How to participate?
I would like to invite everybody who is interested (beginner and pros alike) to join me on this little adventure. Starting from August 1st, I will post one small puzzle here every day and you can try your luck with how many of them as you like. You don't have to partake in all (or even in a chronological order), just choose the wants which sound interesting to you.
- Please feel encouraged to post an answer, even if it might not be complete, still has some problems or if there are already other answers with a similar approach.
- It would be nice if the first line of your answer does **not** include spoilers about key aspects of your solution to avoid this showing up in the question list on the main page.
- Please don't hesitate to use the chat of each daily post to discuss any problems you face or give feedback about the answers. Which parts can be improved? What's the reason something isn't working as expected?
### What's this not going to be
Just to avoid misunderstandings, this won't be a structured course or tutorial. Just small puzzles which you can work on and discuss with other interested people.
### Archive:
- [Day 1: Special Pythagorean triplet](
- [Day 2: Repeat letters](
- [Day 3: Number letter counts](
- [Day 4: Largest palindrome product](
- [Day 5: Print Fibonacci numbers](
- [Day 6: Circular primes](
- [Day 7: Calculate Pi](
- [Day 8: Sorting by name](
- [Day 9: Triangular, pentagonal, and hexagonal](
- [Day 10: Integer right triangles](
- [Day 11: Clock angles](
- [Day 12: Caesar Cipher](
- [Day 13+14: Rabbits!](