tikz add tag
I would like to prettify the following code by:

1- using relative dimensions instead of the absolute ones so that any any scaling or changing of the document font size would keep the layout intact.

2- making the wall left-aligned with the voltage terminals

P.S. Any further refinements are highly welcomed


% arara: indent: { overwrite : yes}

% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/514356/2288

\usepackage[american, siunitx , RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes,calc, positioning, patterns, decorations, decorations.markings,quotes}

\draw[thin,->] (-0.2,-0.2)  to [out=-60,in=60, looseness=4] ++(0,0.4) node [above=1mm] {\tikzpictext};

						mark connection node=dmp,
						mark=at position 0.5 with
								\node (dmp) [thick, inner sep=0pt,
									transform shape,
									minimum width=15pt,
									minimum height=10pt, draw=none] {};
								\draw [thick] ($(dmp.north east)+(4pt,0)$) --
								(dmp.south east) -- (dmp.south west) --
								($(dmp.north west)+(4pt,0)$);
								\draw [thick] ($(dmp.north)+(0,-6pt)$) --

	\draw (0,2) to[R=$R_a$,o-] ++(2,0) to[short,f=$i_a$] ++(0.1,0) to[L,cute inductor, l=$L_a$,-.]  ++(2,0)  to[Telmech=M, name=M1,] ++(0,-2) to[short,-o] (0,0);

	%[V, invert, l=\mbox{$V_S$}, a={\SI{5}{\volt}}]
	\path (0,2)node[below]{$+$} -- node[midway]{$E_a$} (0,0)node[above]{$-$};

	\draw[thick] (M1.west) -- pic[pic text={$T_m,\theta_m$}]{rotarrow} ++(1.5,0) -- +(0,0.5) node [anchor=south] {} -- +(0,-0.5) coordinate (N1);

	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-3]N1) -- ++(0,-1.5) node [below] {} ++(0,0.75) -| ++(-1,0.5) node[left] {}  ++(0,-0.5) coordinate(N3) -- ++(0,-0.5) ;
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-6mm]N3) -- ++(0,-1.5) node [below] {} coordinate[midway] (aux) (aux) -- pic[xscale=-1, pic text={$\theta_L$}, pos=0.5 ]{rotarrow} ++ (-1,0) node [anchor=top,cylinder, black, shape border rotate=0, draw, minimum height=2, minimum width=1, aspect=0.75,cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder end fill = gray!20, path picture={\draw($(c.before top)!0.5!(c.after top)$) -- (c.top);}] (c) {$J_L$};
	\draw [damper] (c.west) -- node[midway,above=2mm] {$D_L$} ++(180:2cm)   node[draw, rectangle, minimum height=2cm, minimum width = 0.5cm, anchor=east, preaction = {fill=gray!10}, pattern = north east lines,pattern=bricks]{};
Top Answer
user 3.14159
I have basically no experience with `circuitikz`, so we will have to wait for Rmano's input. As for the other parts,
1. By setting `x=3em,y=3em`, say, you can achieve that things scale with the font size. To demonstrate this, I put the picture twice, and the second time after `\Large`. (Notice that some things do not change, such as the size of bricks and line widhts. You *can* change them if you want but generally this is not something that one does.) Presumably one can scale everything by invoking something like `scale=2.5em/1cm,transform shape`, but this might have downsides so I didn't try.
2. You were alreaady pretty good with relative positioning, the only real change is that I placed the wall first such that it aligns with the circuit, and then drew the damper (which I also modified to use `em` instead of `pt` and to accept an argument that can be used to place the label).
3. You have a couple of vertical bars, which are now `pic`s as well.
4. There are things like `Telmech` which I kept my claws away from, this is more for squirrels. :chipmunk: :smile_cat:

\usepackage[american, siunitx , RPvoltages]{circuitikz}

\tikzset{pics/rotarrow/.style={code={\path (160:0.4) coordinate (tmpex);
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=tmp,x={(tmpex)},
	canvas is xy plane at z=0]
  \clip (-0.41,-0.41) rectangle (0.41,0.41);
  \draw[thin,-{Stealth[bend]}] (-150:0.4) arc[start angle=-150,end
\path (tmp.north) node [above] {\tikzpictext};
}},pics/bar/.style={code={\draw[pic actions] (0,-#1) -- (0,#1);}},

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=3em,y=3em, %<- this scales with the font size
						mark connection node=dmp,
						mark=at position 0.5 with
								\node (dmp) [thick, inner sep=0pt,
									transform shape,
									minimum width=2em,
									minimum height=1.5em, draw=none,
									#1] {};
								\draw [thick] ([xshift=0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								(dmp.north west) -- (dmp.south west) --
								([xshift=0.25em]dmp.south east)
 								([yshift=-0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								([yshift=0.25em]dmp.south east);

	\draw (0,2) coordinate[label=below:{$+$}] (TL)to[R=$R_a$,o-] ++(2,0) 
		to[short,f=$i_a$] ++(0.1,0) 
		to[L,cute inductor, l=$L_a$,-.]  ++(2,0)  
		to[Telmech=M, name=M1] ++(0,-2) 
		to[short,-o] (0,0)	coordinate[label=above:{$+$}] (ML);
	\path (TL) -- node[midway]{$E_a$} (ML);
	\path (M1) ++ (2,0) coordinate (N1);
	\draw[thick] (M1) -- pic[pic text={$T_m,\theta_m$}]{rotarrow} (N1) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-4.5em]N1) coordinate (N2) pic[thick]{bar=0.75}
		-- ++ (-1,0) coordinate (N3) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-3.5em]N3) pic[thick]{bar=0.75} 
	 -- pic[xscale=-1, pic text={$\theta_L$}, pos=0.5 ]{rotarrow} 
	 	++ (-1,0) node[anchor=top,cylinder, black, shape border rotate=0, draw, 
			minimum height=2, minimum width=1, aspect=0.4,
			cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder end fill = gray!20, 
			path picture={\draw($(c.before top)!0.5!(c.after top)$) -- (c.top);}] 
			(c) {$J_L$};
	\path (TL|-c) node[draw, rectangle, minimum height=5em, minimum width = 1.5em, 
		anchor=west,preaction = {fill=gray!10},pattern=bricks](bricks) {};
	\draw [damper={label=below:{$D_L$}}] (c.west) -- (bricks);

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=3em,y=3em, %<- this scales with the font size
						mark connection node=dmp,
						mark=at position 0.5 with
								\node (dmp) [thick, inner sep=0pt,
									transform shape,
									minimum width=2em,
									minimum height=1.5em, draw=none,
									#1] {};
								\draw [thick] ([xshift=0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								(dmp.north west) -- (dmp.south west) --
								([xshift=0.25em]dmp.south east)
 								([yshift=-0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								([yshift=0.25em]dmp.south east);

	\draw (0,2) coordinate[label=below:{$+$}] (TL)to[R=$R_a$,o-] ++(2,0) 
		to[short,f=$i_a$] ++(0.1,0) 
		to[L,cute inductor, l=$L_a$,-.]  ++(2,0)  
		to[Telmech=M, name=M1] ++(0,-2) 
		to[short,-o] (0,0)	coordinate[label=above:{$+$}] (ML);
	\path (TL) -- node[midway]{$E_a$} (ML);
	\path (M1) ++ (2,0) coordinate (N1);
	\draw[thick] (M1) -- pic[pic text={$T_m,\theta_m$}]{rotarrow} (N1) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-4.5em]N1) coordinate (N2) pic[thick]{bar=0.75}
		-- ++ (-1,0) coordinate (N3) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-3.5em]N3) pic[thick]{bar=0.75} 
	 -- pic[xscale=-1, pic text={$\theta_L$}, pos=0.5 ]{rotarrow} 
	 	++ (-1,0) node[anchor=top,cylinder, black, shape border rotate=0, draw, 
			minimum height=2, minimum width=1, aspect=0.4,
			cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder end fill = gray!20, 
			path picture={\draw($(c.before top)!0.5!(c.after top)$) -- (c.top);}] 
			(c) {$J_L$};
	\path (TL|-c) node[draw, rectangle, minimum height=5em, minimum width = 1.5em, 
		anchor=west,preaction = {fill=gray!10},pattern=bricks](bricks) {};
	\draw [damper={label=below:{$D_L$}}] (c.west) -- (bricks);

![Screen Shot 2020-12-23 at 5.05.28 PM.png](/image?hash=6691b5e8d5b4305f54f59fa57a2cb551a60b7e212ca714d2ad79754b8fb4ff15)

Here is an addendum on patterns. This one scales, but only after using `{Bricks[brick width=1.01em,brick height=1.01em]}` in one code and `{Bricks[brick width=1em,brick height=1em]}` in the other because otherwise Ti*k*Z wants so be efficient and thinks: I already did the one with `1em` so I can just recycle that one. The pattern offset is not fixed here (but in principle it could with more efforts, see [here](https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/545846)).
\usepackage[american, siunitx , RPvoltages]{circuitikz}

  bottom left={\pgfpoint{-.1pt}{-.1pt}},
  top right={\pgfpoint{\brickwidth+.1pt}{\brickheight+.1pt}},
  tile size={\pgfpoint{\brickwidth}{\brickheight}},
  tile transformation={\pgftransformrotate{\brickangle}},
} }
\tikzset{/pgf/pattern keys/.cd,
brick width/.store in=\brickwidth,
brick height/.store in=\brickheight,
brick angle/.store in=\brickangle,
brick line width/.store in=\bricklinewidth, 
brick width=1em,
brick height=1em,
brick angle=0pt,
brick line width=.5pt,

\tikzset{pics/rotarrow/.style={code={\path (160:0.4) coordinate (tmpex);
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=tmp,x={(tmpex)},
	canvas is xy plane at z=0]
  \clip (-0.41,-0.41) rectangle (0.41,0.41);
  \draw[thin,-{Stealth[bend]}] (-150:0.4) arc[start angle=-150,end
\path (tmp.north) node [above,style/.expanded=\tikzpictextoptions] {\tikzpictext};
}},pics/bar/.style={code={\draw[pic actions] (0,-#1) -- (0,#1);}},

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=3em,y=3em, %<- this scales with the font size
						mark connection node=dmp,
						mark=at position 0.5 with
								\node (dmp) [thick, inner sep=0pt,
									transform shape,
									minimum width=2em,
									minimum height=1.5em, draw=none,
									#1] {};
								\draw [thick] ([xshift=0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								(dmp.north west) -- (dmp.south west) --
								([xshift=0.25em]dmp.south east)
 								([yshift=-0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								([yshift=0.25em]dmp.south east);

	\draw (0,2) coordinate[label=below:{$+$}] (TL)to[R=$R_a$,o-] ++(2,0) 
		to[short,f=$i_a$] ++(0.1,0) 
		to[L,cute inductor, l=$L_a$,-.]  ++(2,0)  
		to[Telmech=M, name=M1] ++(0,-2) 
		to[short,-o] (0,0)	coordinate[label=above:{$+$}] (ML);
	\path (TL) -- node[midway]{$E_a$} (ML);
	\path (M1) ++ (2,0) coordinate (N1);
	\draw[thick] (M1) -- pic[pic text={$T_m,\theta_m$}]{rotarrow} (N1) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-4.5em]N1) coordinate (N2) pic[thick]{bar=0.75}
		-- ++ (-1,0) coordinate (N3) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-3.5em]N3) pic[thick]{bar=0.75} 
	 -- pic[xscale=-1,pic text={$\theta_L$}, pos=0.5 ]{rotarrow} 
	 	++ (-1,0) node[anchor=top,cylinder, black, shape border rotate=0, draw, 
			minimum height=2, minimum width=1, aspect=0.4,
			cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder end fill = gray!20, 
			path picture={\draw($(c.before top)!0.5!(c.after top)$) -- (c.top);}] 
			(c) {$J_L$};
	\path (TL|-c) node[draw, rectangle, minimum height=5em, minimum width = 1.5em, 
		anchor=west,preaction = {fill=gray!10},
		pattern={Bricks[brick width=1.01em,brick height=1.01em]}](bricks) {};
	\draw [damper={label={below:{$D_L$}}}] (c.west) -- (bricks);

\begin{tikzpicture}[x=3em,y=3em, %<- this scales with the font size
						mark connection node=dmp,
						mark=at position 0.5 with
								\node (dmp) [thick, inner sep=0pt,
									transform shape,
									minimum width=2em,
									minimum height=1.5em, draw=none,
									#1] {};
								\draw [thick] ([xshift=0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								(dmp.north west) -- (dmp.south west) --
								([xshift=0.25em]dmp.south east)
 								([yshift=-0.25em]dmp.north east) --
								([yshift=0.25em]dmp.south east);

	\draw (0,2) coordinate[label=below:{$+$}] (TL)to[R=$R_a$,o-] ++(2,0) 
		to[short,f=$i_a$] ++(0.1,0) 
		to[L,cute inductor, l=$L_a$,-.]  ++(2,0)  
		to[Telmech=M, name=M1] ++(0,-2) 
		to[short,-o] (0,0)	coordinate[label=above:{$+$}] (ML);
	\path (TL) -- node[midway]{$E_a$} (ML);
	\path (M1) ++ (2,0) coordinate (N1);
	\draw[thick] (M1) -- pic[pic text={$T_m,\theta_m$}]{rotarrow} (N1) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-4.5em]N1) coordinate (N2) pic[thick]{bar=0.75}
		-- ++ (-1,0) coordinate (N3) pic[thick]{bar};
	\draw[thick] ([yshift=-3.5em]N3) pic[thick]{bar=0.75} 
	 -- pic[xscale=-1, pic text={$\theta_L$}, pos=0.5 ]{rotarrow} 
	 	++ (-1,0) node[anchor=top,cylinder, black, shape border rotate=0, draw, 
			minimum height=2, minimum width=1, aspect=0.4,
			cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder end fill = gray!20, 
			path picture={\draw($(c.before top)!0.5!(c.after top)$) -- (c.top);}] 
			(c) {$J_L$};
	\path (TL|-c) node[draw, rectangle, minimum height=5em, minimum width = 1.5em, 
		anchor=west,preaction = {fill=gray!10},
		pattern={Bricks[brick width=1em,brick height=1em]}](bricks) {};
	\draw [damper={label={below:{$D_L$}}}] (c.west) -- (bricks);

![Screen Shot 2020-12-24 at 9.27.38 AM.png](/image?hash=234846746db21505facfb62a5cce155d9aa0463f6e900b7d77ab3912508c662e)

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