::: quote 347 109632 a0362e7b92f294b0635b00a01513de326955d3c184409f901b5c2ac1637ec99c 255,239,236 159,57,61 samcarter *— 10 minutes ago* *in [TopTeX](/tex?room=347#c109632)* >Is anyone around who uses texlive from a linux package manager? I'm trying to bring the install instructions in the beamer user guide a bit more up to date and am wondering if someone could check of these new instructions are correct: >https://github.com/samcarter/beamer/commit/4008df098b2564d928bff13ceb9ebce2fb8f0a48 :::
i'll probably just use bash for the question but i was wondering if anyone knows where the tio power-users hang out?
was going to set up tio examples for a new q and noticed it supports jq as a top-level language? https://tio.run/#jq
Hello neighbours! In the TeX community there is currently a question, which after fixing a couple of other issues, now boils down to a path issue. The tex editor finds an old latex binary which came with the ubuntu installation instead of the newer vanilla texlive installation. The user has added the path to the new texlive to their bashrc, so it works in terminal, but texstudio does not see it. What's the best way to change the path in ubuntu so also applications will see it?
Hello. If I have a question about Bash, should I post it as a question on the forum here?
ah... nvm... mysql is deprecated as a backend for bareos anyway and it looks like their postgres schema has never included foreign keys
::: quote 2 95581 6da41129661867ded98757f884fbbd8151b27a31e604efc79bce2d85a6953da5 212,223,236 62,103,153 PeterVandivier *— 4 minutes ago* *in [The Heap](/databases?room=2#c95581)* >- https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=8e663eb5e9ebef4001b9a40094368cc0 >- https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=mysql_8.0&fiddle=f19946223c54baf278af6d1beb406880 >- https://screamintothevoid.com/ >- https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/create-table-foreign-keys.html :::
anyone else around here use [bareos](https://docs.bareos.org/)? specifically with a mysql backend?
I would think probably not as it's "for Linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms"
This wont be low quality Q? If not, then yes, I'll ask here.
`${string/substring/replacement}` replaces *first* match of `substring` with `replacement`.
yes, just flag it and put a comment in the dedicated chat room saying why your removing
I had a brief fling with Homebrew, and could not get on with it at all. So I blew it away. (I now use MacPorts for the sort of thing I might have wanted Homebrew for, and find it much more stable.) I realize this does not address your question in the slightest, but for some odd reason, I feel better for having shared. :)
anyone ever seen brew do a weird duplication thing like this? 
Well, I've tried QS now, and will probably stick with it. There are some things that Linux/Ubuntu does better (in my world!) than OSX. Ah well!
A bit sledgehammer for this nut. But thanks! I'm going to try "[script-as-service](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/MacAutomationScriptingGuide/MakeaSystem-WideService.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40016239-CH46-SW1)" and see if that gets me where I want to go.
Have you considered whether something like this would work for you (though it isn't quite the same thing): https://qsapp.com/index.php
And on that `ALT+F2` OSX equivalent, I'm [not the only one who wants to know that](https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/378841). Doesn't look like it exists, sadly.
Huh. I'm using FF, and can't find any setting for "GIF" or "anim\*"...
I think animated gifs is a browser problem, and I have FF configured to play only once!
Right, all: this is a "macos" question, but I'm not sure it's a `ta.nix` question. I know that on Ubuntu I can use `ALT+F2` to run a command. Is there an equivalent on OSX? I don't want Spotlight (`command-spacebar`), as it doesn't find what I want to run. So: is there a key combo that runs a command? (As if it was running from command line on terminal, *but not using terminal*...)??
I am toying with the idea of creating a variant of TIO which is more like db<>fiddle in it's mechanics
🤔it's entirely possible db<>fiddle is just better fit for purpose at the moment esp. with the `?hide` support. perhaps more complex scripting demos can be a "stretch goal" sort of thing, but not a "right now" thing
at the moment we've only got the 'input', and tbh I don't understand what the different fields mean or why this doesn't produce output: https://tio.run/##XY/BjsIgFEX3fMUNaUIyQo2drZ3duPUHWMgUGhorGGi0rc63z0AbN7Ig4TzuyX1ztH/pmMZ6UMV/pNvxUbpPPktX8YniC633ZRNvJBilITQYywj7Pb6PBxAftAm1PA2q6yEcNtUrgSeiDwOEaDvTaxHNVQU1@FAzzhI9m6nepYg8kdYHBH9H5yCLxUi0J0Db9Sa5l3qyyD@eUPczxIFyCva4hs4NaVL9smQBzE31oOVWFjlZRkuTxxmSmpJ1xyKVe20V7QrZco8s4fENThlOb3DOcM6QNPbiNTYjPvKz3K7afw
for Q 712 above, i was thinking about trying to TIO it, but i'm not 100% sure how to handle it gracefully (a la with hidden batches as in db<>fiddle). is there a sensible way to restructure that question with embedded TIO, or is that just too much setup? ([here's what i've got so far](https://tio.run/##XY@xbsMgFEV3vuIKWUJqwFHcNe7WrP0BhlCDhRUXIrAS202/3QVbWbI86R24R/fN0S6msR5U8W/pDnyU7p3P0lV8ovhA633ZxBsJRmkIDcYywvGIz68TiA/ahFqeB9X1EA676pnAA9GHAUK0nem1iOaqghp8qBlniV7MVB9SRJ5J6wOCv6NzkMVqJNoToO16k9xrPVnkHw@o@wXiRDkF@72Gzg3ppfpjyQKYm@pBy70scrKMliaPMyQ1JduNRSr3vCraDbJ1jizh8QVOGU4vcM5wzpA09sdr7Ea8pXUp95t2Wf4B))