Code Golf
date-time add tag
The "Julian Date" is a different form of calendar-keeping than the Gregorian Calendar we're used to. Instead of categorizing by months, and each month by days, it categorizes the entire year into days - no months necessary.

February 11th is the 42st day of the year, for example.

Your goal is to take in a Julian Date 0<X<=365 and print the Gregorian Calendar equivalent (assuming it's not a leap year). Any output that indicates the month and day uniquely and unambiguously is acceptable. Below are some inputs and some example outputs.

Julian (IN)|Gregorian (OUT)|Format (Specify)
10|January 10|MonthName Date
55|FEB 24|MTH DD
Top Answer LaTeX
# LaTeX, 54 bytes

The function definition:


Complete script:







Output (in PDF), format is M-D:


The `datenumber` package uses 1800 as the start year, which was no leap year.
Answer #2 APL (Dyalog Extended)
# [APL (Dyalog Extended)], 9 [bytes]( "When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?") [^SBCS^]( ".dyalog files using a single byte character set")

Anonymous tacit prefix function returning `[M,D]`


[Try it online!][TIO-k6hkmfg1]

`⌂date` returns a full `[1990,M,D,h,m,a,f]` date-time (1990 was not a leap year)

`1↓` drop the year

`2↑` take the month and day

[APL (Dyalog Extended)]:
[TIO-k6hkmfg1]: "APL (Dyalog Extended) – Try It Online"

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