## [Haskell], 26 bytes
f s=[c|c<-"aba",'b'<-s]==s
[Try it online!][TIO-k61uvjuc]
[Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org/
[TIO-k61uvjuc]: https://tio.run/##TYxBCoAwDAS/EoLgxf7AvkQ8JMWqWKUYj77dWK2il2QWZncgmboQVD2IbdzuaoPEhFXJZW2ktVZ0pnEBC3Edlw0KmCmChwaxgqymR8z0UMLEOVyHs3fjK3@dH379jPxfvUex1cP5QL2ocTGe "Haskell – Try It Online"
Checks that the input string is equivalent to the following construction: for each character in `"aba"`, repeat that character once for each `'b'` in the input (checked with the pattern match `'b'<-s`).
An equally-long alternative uses `<*`.
f s=("aba"<*[1|'b'<-s])==s
[Try it online!][TIO-k61v36zg]
[Haskell]: https://www.haskell.org/
[TIO-k61v36zg]: https://tio.run/##TYxLCoRADESvEoLgB124t08iLhKZVrGVZuLSsxu1ewbdJK/gVY0k88c5VQtiMiQmbIq23lNOm0q63BjRhaYVDPjvtG6QwEIeLLSIJQT/fsRMP7rw4hjuw9EL@JefzguffkR@r4ZR7PToraNBtOq9PwE "Haskell – Try It Online"
# [APL (Dyalog Unicode)], 17 [bytes](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/9429/43319 "When can APL characters be counted as 1 byte each?")^SBCS^
Anonymous tacit prefix function. Requires 0-based indexing (`⎕IO←0`)
[Try it online!][TIO-k60fj353]
| Reading order| Notes
| ---- | -----
| `⊂∊` |Is the whole argument a member of
|   `'aba'/¨∘⊂`|the whole of "aba", with its letters replicated by each
|            `∘` | of
|             `⍳` | 0, 1, …
|              `1⌈` | the maximum of 1 and
|               `≢` | the tally of characters?
| Execution order| Notes
| ---- | -----
|               `≢` | tally the argument
|              `1⌈` | the maximum of 1 and that
|             `⍳` | 0, 1, … that
|            `∘` | then
|   `'aba'/¨∘⊂`|For each of those, replicate the characters of "aba"
| `⊂∊` |is the whole argument a member of that list?
[APL (Dyalog Unicode)]: https://www.dyalog.com/
[TIO-k60fj353]: https://tio.run/##SyzI0U2pTMzJT///qG@qp/@jtgkG/x91NT3q6FJPTEpU1z@04lHHDJBAL5jRu9nwUU/Ho85F/9OASh/19kF0dTUfWm/8qG0ikBcc5AwkQzw8g/@nqatzpYGNAVGJSUmJUBaQCWRDOCAiCaIOzIQpRuhBYiL0Q5hJyKaCDVUHAA "APL (Dyalog Unicode) – Try It Online"
# [Golfscript](http://www.golfscript.com/), 26 bytes
Not particularly optimal, but the first solution I thought of. Probably could pare down the string-comparison bit into some kind of bitwise comparison. ~++"aba"= is 9 bytes just to check "is the order right", when it could probably be done in 3 somehow. After the loop, we would have (if correct), ["a", "b", "a"], so it should be doable. I'll check some bitwise comparisons later, but this is a good starting benchmark.
.. #Duplicate the string twice. Stack is now three copies.
3/ #Divide the string into parts of size 3.
, #Count how many parts there are, and get rid of that copy
/ #Divide one of the two original strings into three parts
#using the prev number
{.|}/ #For each of these parts, get rid of duplicates
~++ #Break them out of the array then concatenate them.
"aba"= #Make sure the array followed the pattern of
#1/3 a's, 1/3 b's, then 1/3 a's again.
#If so, we replace it with 1. Otherwise 0.
\ #Bring that last original-string over.
,3% #Make sure it's a clean multiple of three.
! #If so, 1. If not, 0.
* #Multiply! 1*1=1, and 0*1 or 0*0=0, so if
#both conditions pass, we pass 1.
# CJam, 13 bytes
[Try it online!](https://tio.run/##S85KzP1fHZ@gpKBrp6Dk8L8wXsdYXykxKVEpVcv2v19tsXqhbl2hn77qfy6gIFdiYlJSIogC0kAGkMWVBJTggkhBpWE0VB2QToLrA2sDAA "CJam – Try It Online")
## Explanation
q read the input "aabbaa"
, length 6
3/ divide by 3 2
"aba"e* repeat elements in string "aba" "aabbaa"
_ = equal to original? 1
# [W](https://github.com/A-ee/w) [`d`](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/14337/command-line-flags-on-front-ends/14339#14339), 11 [bytes](https://github.com/A-ee/w/wiki/Code-Page)
# Explanation
N % Map
"aba" % the string aba
ck % The length of the input
3/ % Divide by 3
* % Repeat input by that
J % Join the output
= % Is it equal to original?
# [Stax](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax), 9 [bytes](https://github.com/tomtheisen/stax/blob/master/docs/packed.md#packed-stax)
[Run and debug it](https://staxlang.xyz/#p=83b63cbd08402a5c40&i=%22%22%0A%22aba%22%0A%22aabbaa%22%0A%22aaabbbaaa%22%0A%22a%22%0A%22b%22%0A%22ab%22%0A%22ba%22%0A%22aab%22%0A%22aabbaab%22%0A%22aabbaaa%22%0A%22aaabbaa%22%0A%22baabbaa%22%0A%22aabbbaa%22&a=1&m=2)
Unpacked, ungolfed, and commented, it looks like this.
3M split into 3 approximately equal groups
M array transpose, inserting 0 to rectangularize
"aba"]- remove all "aba" elements from array
! logical not; yields true iff array was empty
[Run this one](https://staxlang.xyz/#c=3M%09split+into+3+approximately+equal+groups%0AM%09array+transpose,+inserting+0+to+rectangularize%0A%22aba%22]-%09remove+all+%22aba%22+elements+from+array%0A%21%09logical+not%3B+yields+true+iff+array+was+empty%09&i=%22%22%0A%22aba%22%0A%22aabbaa%22%0A%22aaabbbaaa%22%0A%22a%22%0A%22b%22%0A%22ab%22%0A%22ba%22%0A%22aab%22%0A%22aabbaab%22%0A%22aabbaaa%22%0A%22aaabbaa%22%0A%22baabbaa%22%0A%22aabbbaa%22&a=1&m=2)
Anonymous 1195
# Clojure (115 bytes)
(defn a[s](let[g(re-find #"^(a+)(b+)(a+)$"s)](or(= s"")(and(not(nil? g))(=(count(g 1))(count(g 2))(count(g 3)))))))
Ungolfed version:
(defn aba?[s]
(let [ groups (re-find #"^(a+)(b+)(a+)$" s) ]
(or (= s "")
(and (not (nil? groups))
(= (count (groups 1)) (count (groups 2)) (count (groups 3)))))))
## [NST](https://github.com/A-ee/NST), 7 bytes
I want to post in this anyway.
You need to enclose the input in brackets, e.g. `["aba"]`.
## Explanation
aba" Define the string "aba".
N* Multiply this string by the natural number set.
This set is [0, 1, 2, 3, ...]
Since in NST a string is technically a set,
this yields the output
["", "aba", "aabbaa", "aaabbbaaa", ...]
§ Does the (implicit) input belong to this set?
# [MathGolf], 13 bytes
[Try it online!][TIO-k8wzjgsf]
[MathGolf]: https://github.com/maxbergmark/mathgolf
[TIO-k8wzjgsf]: https://tio.run/##y00syUjPz0n7///wzsSkxNzqnEOLjfW1am3//1dKTExKSkxUAgA "MathGolf – Try It Online"
# [05AB1E], 14 bytes
[Try it online!][TIO-k8wz8hqr]
[05AB1E]: https://github.com/Adriandmen/05AB1E
[TIO-k8wz8hqr]: https://tio.run/##yy9OTMpM/f//UcOyxKTEc1s90431L@zwqvUK/P8/MTEpKTERAA "05AB1E – Try It Online"