javascript add tag
Good day. I'm making a todo list app. Instead of classes, I want to use factory functions.

Original code with classes:
export class MyProject {
    constructor(title, description, dueDate, priority) {
        this.title = title;
        this.description = description;
        this.dueDate = dueDate;
        this.priority = priority;
        this.todos = [];
        this.projectIndex = null;

        this.expandContent = () => expandContent(this);
        this.deleteCard = () => deleteCard(this);
        this.addTodo = (todoText) => {

I tried using factory functions:
export const MyProject = (title, description, dueDate, priority) => {
    let todos = [];
    let projectIndex = null;

    const expandContent = () => expandContent(this);
    const deleteCard = () => deleteCard(this);
    const addTodo = (todoText) => {

    return {title, description, dueDate, priority, todos, projectIndex, expandContent, deleteCard, addTodo}

I've acknowledged, that `this` is not necessary in factories, I'm not really sure how not to use them in expandContent and deleteCard functions
Top Answer
Anonymous 13630
You’re right, `this` isn't needed in factory functions. Instead, you can directly reference variables and methods. Here's a revised version:

export const MyProject = (title, description, dueDate, priority) => {
    let todos = [];
    let projectIndex = null;

    const expandContent = () => expandContentObj();
    const deleteCard = () => deleteCardObj();
    const addTodo = (todoText) => {

    const expandContentObj = () => {
        // logic to expand content

    const deleteCardObj = () => {
        // logic to delete card

    return { title, description, dueDate, priority, todos, projectIndex, expandContent, deleteCard, addTodo };

In this version, the internal functions `expandContentObj` and `deleteCardObj` handle the logic without needing `this`.

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