Exactly! :D First of all "It is served in every tourist trap restaurant." I saw it in Rome (apart from that, the restaurant was not so bad, it's very difficult to find a bad restaurant in Rome). However, remember: if you see it on a menu in Italy, change the restaurant :D
https://www.reddit.com/r/iamveryculinary/comments/zraj52/fettuccine_alfredo_is_so_nonitalian_it_doesnt :)
Thank you for your very kind words! I dislike pineapple pizza, of course! And remember that "fettuccine Alfredo" is not an Italian dish :D
I was lost in the internet hopping on one thread from the other. Read Paulo's answer on [this](https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/6148/) question and while reading the following part from it; > all of a sudden, there was I spamming the chatroom with random sentences, as we say in Portuguese, to break the ice (messages along the lines of "Oh, it's cold here!" and "I like ice cream." and "Do you guys enjoy soccer?"). And the community was there for me. I know, for example, that Joseph Wright and Christian Hupfer are Monty Python fans, egreg doesn't like Chopin, percusse is a very skillful drummer, and David Carlisle is a heavy vim user in disguise. This information is surely not related in any way to TeX and friends, but it make us feel welcomed. That's why I wouldn't say TeX.sx steals time from me, it deservedly earned this time. :) They are not TeX users for me, they are my friends. I was put off by the fact that I still don't know e.g., what samcarter, skillmon, frougon, carla (dis)like? (Well; not completely true. I know that skillmon likes vim and dislikes emacs :joy:), but still, this information is way too less for my greed. So I am going to do what Paulo did. Mornings are misty here these days, what's up there? :P Quite often I keep expressing my gratitude towards TopAnswers in my real life (well, can't call it real following Ulrich's [remarks](https://tex.meta.stackexchange.com/a/8782/), but you know what I mean), but I think I must say that here too that this site has become more than just a QnA forum and you people are very special to me. Thanks for being there and enriching me with knowledge and friendships. :):heart:
yes but pdftex is still broken, various bug reports are pending.
that is clearly a bug, that is already discussed on the pdftex mailing list.
Is it me or is pdflatex from TL2025 producing a warning ``` pdfTeX warning (ext1): too small image resolution ignored ``` for every included image? ``` % !TeX TS-program = pdflatex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \includegraphics{example-image} \end{document} ```
\begin{joke} Given that the tikzlings consist of 28 individual packages, I'll call this a clear failure :) \end{joke} (I know what you mean, I just wanted to make a joke)
nowadays, the tikzmarmots package is just a wrapper, which will load the respective parts of the tikzlings package. ``` \ProvidesPackage{tikzmarmots}[2024/12/11 version v2.2 Drawing marmots in TikZ] \RequirePackage{tikzlings-marmots} ```
You can click on your profile picture seen in the top right of the questions section. Just next to the TopTeX hat. After scrolling down, you will find an option to generate a key. Click on it. Paste the output in any other device and you will be logged in. This key can be used any number of times (provided you don't press "generate key" again. Then you will have to copy the newly generated key and save it, of course). A safer and quicker option is to use the "show key" button. It gives you a one time key. Just like an OTP.
I had been away from my usual computer and hadn't gotten around to figuring out how to login to topanswers from another computer..
> There is also https://ctan.org/pkg/tikzpingus Pingus looks nice. > And there is jigsaw (this one is by me) 👍
Okay, I will ask a question with proper use-case. So that people can come up with problem situations.
well depends on the keys and their intended usage. If in doubt don't expand further than to what the user inserted.
well, if you happen to use `expkv` you can expand it inside the key lists (I think I already showed you that feature). Regarding the possible problems: If you keep good expansion control it shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure to not expand user provided stuff unnecessarily, that might break.
As clarified in the discussion [here](https://github.com/LaTeX-Package-Repositories/geometry/issues/22), the key-value parsers don't expand their content. I was developing a key for storing some content that will be passed to another key-value parser. I realized, I can expand it inside the new macro and then pass it to the parser as shown by @frougon [here](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=8074#a7688). The question is, should I do it? Is there any obvious problem I may run into if I do this?
In case anyone is interested in braids: https://mair.allen-williams.com/notes/braids/circbraids.html
well if your Emacs question is how to replace it with VIM, I'll gladly help. If it's about how to configure Emacs to work with TeX it's on topic, if it's about how to change Org-mode to do some arbitrary HTML stuff it's not on topic.
During my undergrad studies, I had an archaeometry professor who told a lot of cool stories about his cave climbing past. Unfortunately, he had to stop because apparently the weight range for the ropes for cave climbing is much narrower than for normal climbing. Something about how much they stretch in case of a fall or something like that.
"Torch" is definitely British. A member of my sister's rock climbing club (in Washington, DC) was third secretary at the British Embassy; Moira did try really hard to communicate with the locals, but she couldn't quite manage "flashlight" (a real necessity when they explored caves). Her approximation was "flahlight", and such it was for years thereafter.
Oh, that is so kind of you! Like, maybe, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSo0duY7-9s)... or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcsi3PDHKRI)? :-D (also the [English lesson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khfQPxBP-8Q)) (okay, that's kind of cheating). (Or, diverging a bit, one can compare [Jacques Brel's Ne me quitte pas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oR_SZR_tmxM) to [Nina Simone's interpretation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nRvbiCHTCs)—which, of course, differ in so many other ways than the accent).
Such a pretty documentation, Pingus have a pride flag also. Indeed a well made package!