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I need some extra line-spacing in my document, but somebody suggested me not to change it globally. In his opinion it generates some extra unwanted space before figures and equations which looks bad. I want a simple environment by which I can set some value of baseline-stretch and renew it at the end of the environment. This is my sample code -





It seems that `renewcommand` does not renew the base-line locally. I want an environment where the baseline values will be reset to the default. How to achieve it?
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One possible approach with the `setspace` package:











![Screen Shot 2020-05-11 at 13.41.06.png](/image?hash=3ea38cb2de2dcfbb354d3d24b7f0cd8ca6efe6017007736a295e512c2c7fbdeb)

(make sure to start a new paragraph at the end of the single space environment and beware of problems with displayed equations that @Skillmon mentioned in chat)

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