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Due to COVID-19, face masks are currently very popular. With nice patterns and colours they can even be a real fashion piece.

The TikZlings also want to look good during the pandemic and ask for your help to create nice looking masks. As a starting point, you can find below a simple tikz path to create a basic mask for the ducks which you can modify which patterns, colours etc. Any other creations are of course also welcome.



  \fill[cyan!20!white,overlay]  (1.4051,1.5586) .. controls (1.1370,1.3225) and (0.8775,1.2365) .. (0.5844,1.3462) .. controls (0.5190,1.3848) and (0.4601,1.4391) .. (0.3414,1.4100) .. controls (-0.1044,0.8610) and (1.0760,1.1140) .. (1.3547,1.2073) -- (1.3698,1.2679) .. controls (1.2783,1.2261) and (1.1035,1.2035) .. (0.9324,1.1895) -- (0.9600,1.2509) .. controls (1.1068,1.2809) and (1.2985,1.3700) .. (1.4071,1.4930) -- cycle;
  \duck[scale=0.05, shift={(6,22.3)}]
  \duck[scale=0.05, shift={(7.8,24.8)}]
  \duck[scale=0.05, shift={(10,22)}]
  \duck[scale=0.05, shift={(12.5,23.5)}]
  \duck[scale=0.05, shift={(15,22)}]  

Top Answer
Ratatosk found an old gas mask and hopes that this will protect him enough.



\tikzset{reverseclip/.style={insert path={(current page.north east) --
  (current page.south east) --
  (current page.south west) --
  (current page.north west) --
  (current page.north east)}

    (-0.075,1.76) circle[radius=1.85pt]
    ( 0.075,1.76) circle[radius=1.85pt];
    \clip (0,0) circle[radius=8.8pt];
    \draw[line width=4pt] 
      (0,3pt) -- (0,1)
      (7:5pt) -- (7:1)
      (173:5pt) -- (173:1)
      (-0.075,1.76) circle[radius=1.85pt]
      ( 0.075,1.76) circle[radius=1.85pt];
      (0,1.72) circle[radius=7pt];
    (-0.075,1.76) circle[radius=1.85pt]
    ( 0.075,1.76) circle[radius=1.85pt];
  \fill[black!75] (0,1.6) circle[radius=3pt];
  \foreach\dd in{0,40,...,320}
    \fill[black!60,yshift=1.6cm] (\dd:2pt) circle[radius=.5pt];

Answer #2
Lucky snowman can just put mouth and nose into a bag and doesn't need a mask:



    think={\parbox{1.8cm}{\sffamily Better safe\newline than sorry}},
    \fill[orange,rotate=-90] (-0.6,1.54) -- (-0.6,1.4) -- (-0.8,1.42) -- cycle;


Answer #3
Also squirrels like to be on the safe side... this one is an electronic one!


\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round]

        \draw[green!50!cyan] (-0.3,1.7) .. controls (0, 1.65) .. (0.3,1.7);
        \draw[green!50!cyan] (-0.35,1.6) .. controls (0, 1.55) .. (0.35,1.6);
        \draw[green!50!cyan] (-0.3,1.5) .. controls (0, 1.45) .. (0.3,1.5);
        \draw[green!50!cyan] (0.2,1.7) --  (0.25,1.9);
        \draw[green!50!cyan] (-0.2,1.7) --  (-0.25,1.9);
        \fill[white, opacity=0.7] (-0.3,1.7) .. controls (0, 1.65) .. (0.3,1.7)
            .. controls (0.45, 1.6) ..
            (0.3,1.5) .. controls (0, 1.45) .. (-0.3,1.5)
            .. controls (-0.45, 1.6) .. (-0.3,1.7)
            -- cycle;
    \begin{scope}[opacity=0.3, color=red]
        \foreach \x/\y in {-0.25/1.65, -0.08/1.62, -0.25/1.53, -0.08/1.51} {
            \node [fulldiodeshape] at (\x, \y) {};
            \node [fulldiodeshape, rotate=180] at (-\x, \y) {};
    %\draw[cyan, very thin] (-1,0) grid[step=0.1cm] (1,2);

Answer #4
user 3.14159
Koalas are often considered to be particularly cautious.
 \path[ball color=blue,opacity=0.4] (0,1.9) circle[radius=0.75cm];
  \path[ball color=blue,opacity=0.4] (0,1.9) circle[radius=0.75cm];
  \draw[left color=red!60,right color=red!50!black,middle color=red!20]
   (-0.3,1.1) to[out=90,in=90] ++ (0.6,0) -- ++ (0,-0.7) 
    to[out=-90,in=-90] ++ (-0.6,0) -- cycle;
  \node at (0,0.75){$\mathsf{O_2}$};	
![Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 1.39.28 PM.png](/image?hash=dfadb1be1a2fcba6dd322298b721e1a3b0d92f89fb15d9f81a1e9b7beabc9075)
Answer #5
user 3.14159
The marmot also wears one.
\documentclass[border={1cm 3.14mm 1cm 3.14mm}]{standalone}
\usepackage{tikzlings} %
 \fill[top color=blue!70,bottom color=blue,shading angle=-30] 
 (-0.56,1.35) to[out=-10,in=190] (0.56,1.35) 
 to[out=-80,in=85] (0.58,0.6) to[out=-175,in=-5] (-0.58,0.6) 
  to[out=95,in=-100] cycle;
 \shade[ball color=brown!50!black,rotate around={70:(0.385,0.93)}] (0.385,0.93) ellipse (0.24 and 0.13);
 \shade[ball color=brown!50!black,rotate around={-70:(-0.385,0.93)}] (-0.385,0.93) ellipse (0.24 and 0.13);
 \draw[gray!60,fill=white,fill opacity=0.8] 
 (-0.3,1.75) coordinate(mfm-tl) 
 to[bend right=15] ++ (0.6,0) coordinate(mfm-tr) 
 -- ++ (0,-0.4) coordinate(mfm-br)
 to[bend left] ++ (-0.6,0) coordinate(mfm-bl)  -- cycle;
 \draw[gray!60] (mfm-tl) to[bend left] ++ (-0.1,0.1)
  (mfm-bl) to[bend left] ++ (-0.24,0.15)
   (mfm-tr) to[bend right] ++ (0.1,0.1)
   (mfm-br) to[bend right] ++ (0.24,0.15);
 \draw[gray!60,fill=white,fill opacity=0.8,very thin] 
 (-0.08,1.08) coordinate(pfm-tl) 
 to[bend right=15] ++ (0.16,0) coordinate(pfm-tr) 
 -- ++ (0,-0.12) coordinate(pfm-br)
 to[bend left] ++ (-0.16,0) coordinate(pfm-bl)  -- cycle;
 \draw[gray!60,very thin] (pfm-tl) to[bend left] ++ (-0.04,0.02)
  (pfm-bl) to[bend left] ++ (-0.08,0.07)
   (pfm-tr) to[bend right] ++ (0.04,0.02)
   (pfm-br) to[bend right] ++ (0.08,0.07);

![Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 12.19.58 PM.png](/image?hash=856f36240788eacb2e13f065577a024ca8a1f0fa1b9c61df5d1c8a0292a3477f)
Answer #6
user 3.14159
The cats are wearing them for quite a while now.

 \node[cloud callout, cloud puffs=15, aspect=2.5, cloud puff arc=120,draw,
 font=\sffamily,align=center,inner sep=-2pt,
 callout relative pointer={(-120:0.7)}] at (1,4) {What\\ am I doing\\ here?};
 \draw[gray!60,fill=white,fill opacity=0.8] (-0.3,1.7) to[bend right=15] ++ (0.6,0) -- ++ (0,-0.4)
 to[bend left] ++ (-0.6,0)  -- cycle;
 \draw[gray!60] (-0.3,1.7) to[bend left] ++ (-0.12,0.15)
  (-0.3,1.3) to[bend left] ++ (-0.15,0.05)
   (0.3,1.7) to[bend right] ++ (0.12,0.15)
   (0.3,1.3) to[bend right] ++ (0.15,0.05);
\draw[thick] ([xshift=-4pt,yshift=-4pt]current bounding box.south west) 
rectangle ([xshift=4pt,yshift=4pt]current bounding box.north east);

![Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 12.06.54 PM.png](/image?hash=7e4030f33402811dd6d12983dbcebf2940519d2b0e7a78224d91434cde0bdf4d)
Answer #7
Falcons thought that COVID-19 does not impact us because we are flying high in the air.

But today, [this]( was announced.

So yeah, Falcons need to use face-masks as well:

% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///lualatex/[--shell-escape]
\usepackage{pgfplots}% loads also tikz
\pgfplotsset{compat=newest}% to avoid the pgfplots warning
% #1 number of teeths
% #2 radius intern
% #3 radius extern
% #4 angle from start to end of the first arc
% #5 angle to decale the second arc from the first 

% Max' comment
\newcommand{\gear}[5]{ \foreach \i in {1,...,#1} { [rotate=(\i-1)*360/#1] (0:#2) arc (0:#4:#2) .. controls (#4:1.1*#2) and (#4+#5/2:0.95*#3) .. (#4+#5:#3) arc (#4+#5:360/#1-#5:#3) .. controls (360/#1-#5/2:0.95*#3) and (360/#1:1.1*#2) .. (360/#1:#2) }}


\newcommand{\lightercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name

\newcommand{\darkercolor}[3]{% Reference Color, Percentage, New Color Name

    %\draw[help lines, step=.1] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
    %\draw[help lines] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
    %\draw[name path = a,thick] \gear{10}{2}{2.8}{15}{6};
    %\draw[name path = b, black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
    %\draw[name path = c, white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
    %\tikzfillbetween[of=a and c]{MyColorOneDark};
    %\tikzfillbetween[of=b and c]{white};
    \draw[black,fill=black] (0,0) circle (1.65cm);
    \draw[ultra thick, white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
    \draw[ultra thick,white] 
        (-52:1.7) to[out=100,in=-10]  (0,-0.5)
        to[out=170,in=10] (-0.7,-0.55)
        to[out=170,in=80] (-0.8,-0.85)
        to[out=120,in=-160,looseness=1.2] (-0.2,0.5)
        to[out=20,in=-170,looseness=1.2] (0.75,0.7)
        to[out=-70,in=-60,looseness=1.3] (0.3,0.4);
%     \draw[ultra thick,white,line join=bevel] 
%         (-52:1.67) to[out=100,in=-10]  (0,-0.5)
%         to[out=170,in=20] (-0.7,-0.55)
%         to[out=200,in=80,looseness=0.8] (-0.8,-0.85)
%         to[out=120,in=-160,looseness=1.2] (-0.2,0.5)
%         to[out=20,in=-170,looseness=1.2] (0.75,0.7)
%         to[out=-70,in=-60,looseness=1.3] (0.3,0.4);
    \draw[ultra thick,white] 
    (-0.2,0.5) to[out=45,in=180] (0.5,1) to[out=0,in=170] (32:1.68);
     \draw[ultra thick,red, fill = cyan] 
    to[out=170,in=10] (-0.7,-0.55)
    to[out=170,in=80] (-0.8,-0.85)
    to[out=120,in=-160,looseness=1.2] (-0.2,0.5) to (0, -0.5) -- cycle;
     \draw[ultra thick,red] (-0.1, 0) to (1.65, 0.5);
     \draw[ultra thick,red] (-0.1, 0) to (1.65, -0.5); 
       \draw[ultra thick, white] (0,0) circle (1.7cm);
             \draw (-0.6,-0.3) pic[
       ] {marmot};

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