Now that I see TOPANSWERS.xyz is up and running, I am wondering whether it is time we start creating more appropriate tags to support broader range of questions?
Please leave your opinions/suggestions as answers.
Current available tags:
* `amsmath`
* `amssymb`
* `arara`
* `article`
* `asymptote`
* `beamer`
* `biblatex`
* `boxes`
* `catcode`
* `classes`
* `context`
* `counters`
* `ctan`
* `expl3`
* `fancyhdr`
* `figures`
* `floats`
* `fonts`
* `fun`
* `graphicx`
* `koma`
* `latex3`
* `latexmk`
* `listings`
* `loops`
* `luatex`
* `macros`
* `math`
* `miktex`
* `natbib`
* `pandoc`
* `pdftex`
* `pgf`
* `pgfplots`
* `plain-tex`
* `programming`
* `psfrag`
* `pstricks`
* `spacing`
* `standalone`
* `tables`
* `tcolorbox`
* `tex-core`
* `texlive`
* `tikz`
* `xetex`
> Once we converge, I think, we should also take-it over to our sister site `TEX-MARATHI`.
Top Answer
New tag suggestions:
* `circuitikz`
Reserved tags for mods
* `bugs`
Feel free to edit this! It is meant to be a Community answer.