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I need to alternatively use package `linguex` and package `expex` for writing examples.


	\ex. Hello world % Example with linguex
	\excnt=2 % Changing the expex-counter.
	\pex~ % Example with expex
	\gla \rightcomment{[language]}An example//
	\glb The glossing//
	\glft Free translation//
	\setcounter{ExNo}{3} % Changing the linguex-counter.
	\ex. Hello world % One more example with linguex

So what I don't want is to change the counters so many times. Can I have one common counter for both of them? Is there any way?
Top Answer
You could change the count register used by `ExNo` to be the same as `\excnt` uses by `\let`ting the underlying `\c@ExNo` to it. Unfortunately one has to still manually step the counter once, as it seems `\pex` doesn't step the counter at the beginning...



  \ex. Hello world % Example with linguex

  \stepcounter{ExNo}% still required as it seems it doesn't get stepped by \pex
  \pex~ % Example with expex
  \gla \rightcomment{[language]}An example//
  \glb The glossing//
  \glft Free translation//
  \ex. Hello world % One more example with linguex


**EDIT:** to tackle your question on what's the advantage. You can patch the counter-stepping into `\pex` using `etoolbox`:


\pretocmd\pex{\stepcounter{ExNo}}{}{\GenericError{}{patching pex failed}{}{}}


  \ex. Hello world % Example with linguex

  \pex~ % Example with expex
  \gla \rightcomment{[language]}An example//
  \glb The glossing//
  \glft Free translation//
  \ex. Hello world % One more example with linguex


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