beamer add tag
I am looking for some more options how to modify the appearing of subsection text in the ToC and the triggers created by `\AtBeginSection`.

More specifically, I would like to have modifictions of `\subsection` command to achieve the following:




	\subsection{triggers both: ToC frame and entry in toc}
	\modsubsection{no ToC frame trigger, but entry in toc}
	\othermodsubsection{ToC frame trigger, but no entry in toc}
	\subsection*{neither toc frame, nor entry in toc}

How to create such functions `\modsubsection` and `\othermodsubsection`?
Top Answer
beamer defines its `\subsection` command in `beamerbasesection.sty`. One can use this definition as model to define your own commands:


\setbeamertemplate{subsection page}{




\subsection{triggers both: ToC frame and entry in toc}
\modsubsection{no ToC frame trigger, but entry in toc}

\othermodsubsection*{ToC frame trigger, but no entry in toc}
\subsection*{neither toc frame, nor entry in toc}


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