tikz add tag
I am trying to draw something like this


I have started with `Bezier's curve` and got nowhere till now. This is what I have so far. Any help is much appreciated. Ofcourse, coloring I can patch it with top-bottom distribution. The problem I have is basically to draw this curve.

	show curve controls/.style={
				show path construction,
				curveto code={
					\draw [blue] 
					(\tikzinputsegmentfirst) -- (\tikzinputsegmentsupporta)
					(\tikzinputsegmentlast) -- (\tikzinputsegmentsupportb);
					\fill [red, opacity=0.5] 
					(\tikzinputsegmentsupporta) circle [radius=.5ex]
					(\tikzinputsegmentsupportb) circle [radius=.5ex];
	\draw [step=0.25,gray,thin] (-4, -1) grid (4, 5);
	\draw [show curve controls]
	(-3, 0) .. controls ++(75:-0.25) and ++(-75:0.25) .. (-2.75, 0) .. controls ++(75:0.25) and ++(0:0.1) .. (-2.87, 0.25);
Top Answer
user 3.14159
How about this one?


\begin{axis}[hide axis,colormap={bluered}{color=(red) color=(blue)}] 
 \addplot[domain=0:4,samples=401,smooth,very thick,mesh,point meta=y] 

![Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 3.52.09 PM.png](/image?hash=e7208e5c230631fe2505bfc214e2c51f1f5c5cb7257cede37499c9bdf1fa871b)

Another way to get the color gradient is to use `path fading`. 


\begin{scope}[local bounding box=pft]
 \draw[transparent!0,-{Stealth[length=3mm,width=3.2mm,bend]},line width=1.2pt]  
\path[path fading=temp,fit fading=false,top color=blue,bottom color=red]
 let \p1=($(pft.north east)-(pft.south west)$) in
 (-\x1/2,-\y1/2) rectangle ++(\x1,\y1);

![Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 4.26.08 PM.png](/image?hash=f75561db0cdebb0ba261f01983baafbabf690f1a072857b62cb6009af268c934)

You can also use `decorations` and Ti*k*Z, but the solution is very fragile because one can easily get `dimension too large` errors.



         start color/.store in=\startcolor,
         start color=black,
         end color/.store in=\endcolor,
         end color=black,
         varying line width steps/.initial=100
\pgfdeclaredecoration{width and color change}{initial}{
 \state{initial}[width=0pt, next state=line, persistent precomputation={%
   \pgfmathparse{\pgfdecoratedpathlength/\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/varying line width steps}}%
 \state{line}[width=\increment pt,   persistent postcomputation={%
   },next state=line]{%
    varyinglw(100*((\pgfdecoratedpathlength-5mm)/\pgfdecoratedpathlength))*(\pgfdecoratedpathlength-\x)/14) )}
   \pgfsetlinewidth{\pgfmathresult pt}%
   \pgfpathlineto{\pgfqpoint{\steplength pt}{0pt}}%

\begin{tikzpicture}[varying arrow/.style={-{Stealth[length=4mm,width=3.2mm,bend]},color=\endcolor,
postaction={/utils/exec=\pgfsetarrows{-},decorate,decoration={width and color change}}
\begin{scope}[declare function={varyinglw(\x)=1+2*\x/100;}]
\draw[varying arrow,/pgf/decoration/varying line width steps=1801,
/pgf/decoration/start color=red,/pgf/decoration/end color=blue]

![Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 4.08.36 PM.png](/image?hash=cad510bba100d267e07f5b1b8cb435b981e4e20ca5a1cfbc0c0336f534716280)

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