tikz figures add tag
I am using make4ht to convert a latex file to html using `make4ht input.tex "mathml"`.

When `input.tex` contains tikz pictures, it converts them to svg and
links those images in the the generated html file.

Like this:

$ make4ht input.tex "mathml"
$ ls
input.4ct  input.4tc  input.aux  input.css  input.dvi  input.html  input.idv  input.lg  input.log  input.tex  input.tmp  input.xref  input0x.svg

Is there a way to choose the prefix of the names of these svg files
that `make4ht` produce?

We can choose the output directory with `-d`, but I couldn't figure a
way to customize the file names.

Do we have to use a build script?

I was trying this as a sample `input.tex`:



\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2.5cm]

\node[state, initial] (a) {A};
\node[state, accepting, right of=a] (b) {B};
\draw[->] (a) edge node[above] {$a$} (b);


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