In beamer, is there a way to change an attribute of a tikz node with a `\pause`?
I got a node which is initially a circle.
I wish to change this to a rectangle after a `\pause`.
This was the example that I had in mind:
\node[circle, fill] (hi) {Hi};
\node[rectangle, fill] (hi2) {Hi};
How can this be done? Preferably without too much code duplication.
Can aobs-tikz package be of help here?
The above snippet is what I thought was a minimal example.
What I really wanted involved the automata tikz library, where I wanted to remove `accepting` attribute from a node.
Edit: an example with automata library
\node[alt=<2,3>{}{accepting}, state] (a) {A};
Top Answer
You can use the `alt` key from the `overlay-beamer-styles` library:
\node[alt=<2>{rectangle}{circle}, fill] (hi) {Hi};