tikz luatex add tag
Not sure why the 2nd switching in `\ifnum` is not happening. That is in the first part, based on my input definition, the ODE grows, and second, based on the conditional, the ODE decays. However, what I want is that it needs to grow back - decay again in a cycle. Currently, this is what I have, for some reasons, my script is stuck in some sort of loop and I am not able to get it out.

Any help is appreciated.

% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///lualatex/[--shell-escape]
	\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x,\y)=(-1*\x) + \y;}]
	\def\xmax{10} \def\xmin{0}
	\def\ymax{5} \def\ymin{0}
	\def\xini{0} \def\uhot{5} \def\ucold{0}
	\def\tmax{10} \def\tmin{0}
	%	\def\nx{15} % \def\ny{15}
	%	\pgfmathsetmacro{\hx}{(\xmax-\xmin)/\nx}
	%	\pgfmathsetmacro{\hy}{(\ymax-\ymin)/\ny}
	%	\foreach \i in {0,...,\nx}
	%	\foreach \j in {0,...,\ny}{
	%		\draw[teal,-stealth] 
	%		({\xmin+\i*\hx},{\ymin+\j*\hy}) -- ++ ({atan2(f({\xmin+\i*\hx},{\ymin+\j*\hy}),1)}:0.1);
	%	}
	\foreach \x in {\nextt,\nextnextt,...,\tfin}
	{\pgfmathparse{(\x - (0.4*\ccount)) < 0.00001 ? int(1) : int(0)}
		\pgfmathparse{and(\rtest, \rflag)}
			\pgfmathparse{(\x - \tref - \tcold) < 0.00001 ? int(1) : int(0)}
			\xdef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
	\draw[red,ultra thick] plot[smooth] coordinates {\lstX};
	% grid
	\draw (\xmin,\ymin) rectangle ($(\xmax,\ymax)+(1mm,1mm)$);
	%	\draw (current bounding box.north) node[above=5mm]{$y'=x^2+y^2-1$.};
	% ticks
	\foreach \i in {0,1,...,\xmax} 
	\draw (\i,\ymin) node[below]{$\i$}--++(90:.5mm); 
	\foreach \i in {0,\ymax}
	\draw (\xmin,\i) node[left]{$\i$}--++(0:.5mm);


What would be more nice is that, a `mesh` like coloring for the figure.

Ideally what I am trying to do is something like this:

Top Answer
user 3.14159
I want to start with an apology. I wanted to improve your code by avoiding global variables. However, now for the same input parameters the plot looks different. I think I could fix this if you explain the ODE you solve a bit more.

The main point, though, is to advertize `const plot`. 

	\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x,\y)=-.5*\x +12* \y;}]
	  \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mainflag}{((\x - \tref) < 0.00001 ? 1 : 0)}
	      \edef\lstY{\lstY (\tmpx,\myy)}
		\edef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
		\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\rflag}{((\x - \tref - \tcold) < 0.00001 ? 1 : 0)}
		   \pgfmathsetmacro{\tref}{\x + 0.4}
		\edef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
	\typeout{7th entry: \myres}
	\draw[red,ultra thick] plot[smooth] coordinates {\lstX};
	\draw[blue,const plot,thick] plot coordinates {\lstY};
	% grid
	\draw (\xmin,\ymin) rectangle ($(\xmax,\ymax)+(1mm,1mm)$);
	% ticks
	\foreach \i in {0,1,...,\xmax} 
	\draw (\i,\ymin) node[below]{$\i$}--++(90:.5mm); 
	\foreach \i in {0,\ymax}
	\draw (\xmin,\i) node[left]{$\i$}--++(0:.5mm);

![Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 9.01.28 PM.png](/image?hash=7d9a8c59aa0ef702335a5b9ddb1137d6cd53e22e085bf41ede45bbc469faa2a9)

As you can see, this now depicts a staircase.

With `pgfplots`.

  \begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x,\y)=-.5*\x +12* \y;}]
	  \pgfmathtruncatemacro{\mainflag}{((\x - \tref) < 0.00001 ? 1 : 0)}
	      \edef\lstY{\lstY (\tmpx,\myy)}
		\edef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
		\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\rflag}{((\x - \tref - \tcold) < 0.00001 ? 1 : 0)}
		   \pgfmathsetmacro{\tref}{\x + 0.4}
		\edef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
	  \addplot[smooth,mesh,ultra thick] coordinates {\lstX};
	  \addplot[blue,const plot,thick]  coordinates {\lstY};

![Screen Shot 2020-03-14 at 9.15.55 AM.png](/image?hash=426887e108d13b4c29987a0359c9d9ecf6364eae3c9619786abc56416a8d1208)
Answer #2
The working solution:

% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///lualatex/[--shell-escape]
	\begin{tikzpicture}[declare function={f(\x,\y)=(-.5*\x) + \y;}]
	\def\xmax{8.2} \def\xmin{0}
	\def\ymax{5} \def\ymin{0}
	\def\xini{0} \def\uhot{3.5} \def\ucold{0}
	%	\def\nx{15} % \def\ny{15}
	%	\pgfmathsetmacro{\hx}{(\xmax-\xmin)/\nx}
	%	\pgfmathsetmacro{\hy}{(\ymax-\ymin)/\ny}
	%	\foreach \i in {0,...,\nx}
	%	\foreach \j in {0,...,\ny}{
	%		\draw[teal,-stealth] 
	%		({\xmin+\i*\hx},{\ymin+\j*\hy}) -- ++ ({atan2(f({\xmin+\i*\hx},{\ymin+\j*\hy}),1)}:0.1);
	%	}
	\foreach \x in {\nextt,\nextnextt,...,\tfin}
			\pgfmathparse{(\x - \tref) < 0.00001 ? int(1) : int(0)}
			\ifnum \rflag = 1
				\xdef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
				\pgfmathparse{(\x - \tref - \tcold) < 0.00001 ? int(1) : int(0)}
				\ifnum \rflag = 0
						\pgfmathparse{\x + 0.4}
				\xdef\lstX{\lstX (\x,\myy)}
%			\draw[red,thick] plot[smooth] coordinates {(\tref, 2) (\tref, 3)};
	\draw[red,ultra thick] plot[smooth] coordinates {\lstX};
	% grid
	\draw (\xmin,\ymin) rectangle ($(\xmax,\ymax)+(1mm,1mm)$);
	%	\draw (current bounding box.north) node[above=5mm]{$y'=x^2+y^2-1$.};
	% ticks
	\foreach \i in {0,1,...,\xmax} 
	\draw (\i,\ymin) node[below]{$\i$}--++(90:.5mm); 
	\foreach \i in {0,\ymax}
	\draw (\xmin,\i) node[left]{$\i$}--++(0:.5mm);

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