tikz add tag
How can I position the β outside of the shaded area?

I tried to control it with the `left=10pt` but `10pt` or `1000pt` doesn't make any difference.

![Screen Shot 2025-01-11 at 16.16.12.png](/image?hash=99ad751ac85559d7aefa12dfc9ae24efce1da3a061d3b48fa19676df8013f4ab)

\coordinate (p1) at (0,0);
\coordinate (p2) at (0,1);
\coordinate (p3) at (10,0);
\pic [fill=blue!10,draw=black,-, "$\beta$", angle radius=50,left=10pt,anchor=east] {angle = p2--p3--p1};
\draw (p1)--(p3)--(p2);
Top Answer
A couple of different options:

- change the `angle eccentricity` to move the label further left
- use e.g. `yshift=...` and/or `yshift=...` to freely position the label where ever you want


\coordinate (p1) at (0,0);
\coordinate (p2) at (0,1);
\coordinate (p3) at (10,0);
\pic [fill=blue!10,draw=black,-, "$\beta$", angle radius=50,anchor=east,angle eccentricity=2] {angle = p2--p3--p1};
\draw (p1)--(p3)--(p2);

\coordinate (p1) at (0,0);
\coordinate (p2) at (0,1);
\coordinate (p3) at (10,0);
\pic [fill=blue!10,draw=black,-, "$\beta$"{yshift=0.2cm,xshift=0.3cm}, angle radius=50,anchor=east] {angle = p2--p3--p1};
\draw (p1)--(p3)--(p2);

Answer #2
Another possibility: use `above` (or `below`, `left`, `right`, or a combination like `above right`) to move the node:

\coordinate (p1) at (0,0);
\coordinate (p2) at (0,1);
\coordinate (p3) at (10,0);
\pic [fill=blue!10,draw=black,-, "$\beta$"{above}, angle radius=50,left=10pt,anchor=east] {angle = p2--p3--p1};
\draw (p1)--(p3)--(p2);


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