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I use `polynom`, with `\polylongdiv[style=D]` example




I see [here]( and copy this code 

\xpatchcmd\pld@ArrangeResult{\vrule height 2.25ex}{\rule{0pt}{2.2ex}\smash{\vrule height 2.25ex depth \mypolydepth}}{}{\fail}
to get 

\xpatchcmd\pld@ArrangeResult{\vrule height 2.25ex}{\rule{0pt}{2.2ex}\smash{\vrule height 2.25ex depth \mypolydepth}}{}{\fail}






I want to get the out put like  [this answer](, 

            colsep = .5mm } 
        & 6x^3 & - & 2x^2 & + & x & + & 3 & x^2 & - & x & + & 1 \\
& 6x^3 & - & 6x^2 & + & 6x &  &  &  &  & 6x & + & 4 \\
        %or \cline{2-8}
&  &  & 4x^2 & - & 5x & + & 3 &  &  &  &  &  \\
&  &  & 4x^2 & - & 4x & + & 4 &  &  &  &  &  \\
        &  &  &  & - & x & - & 1 &  &  &  &  &  \\


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