fonts add tag
See this minimal code -


	\chord{t}{f२p3,f२p2,n,n,n,f३p3}{शुद्ध सूरमेळ}
	\chord{t}{f2p3,f1p2,n,n,n,f3p3}{G Major}

It produces something like -

![Screenshot from 2020-03-13 17-00-34.png](/image?hash=97840d868c3b8abf1e7480cb30fae0a297f98882191d3f16c2ace184dfed96b2)

How to make Devanagari script appear in this output?

Edit -


	\chord{t}{f{\sho२}p3,f{\sho१}p2,n,n,n,f{\sho३}p3}{\sho शुद्ध सूरमेळ}
	\chord{t}{f2p3,f1p2,n,n,n,f3p3}{G Major}
Top Answer
In the `gchords` package, the use of the computer modern font is hard coded. With a few redefinitions one can make the package use the font of the surrounding text: 

% !TeX TS-program = xelatex


% These should be modified if you want chords in a different size
\def\chordsize{3.0mm}    % distance between two frets (and two strings)
\def\dampsymbol{$\scriptstyle\times$}    % symbol of the `damp this % string' marker
\def\opensymbol{$\scriptstyle\circ$}     % symbol of the `open string' marker
\def\chordsize{2.0mm}    % distance between two frets (and two strings)
\def\dampsymbol{$\scriptstyle\times$}    % symbol of the `damp this string' marker
\def\opensymbol{$\scriptstyle\circ$}     % symbol of the `open string' marker


	\chord{t}{f२p3,f२p2,n,n,n,f३p3}{शुद्ध सूरमेळ}

	\chord{t}{f2p3,f1p2,n,n,n,f3p3}{G Major}

![Screen Shot 2020-03-13 at 13.23.23.png](/image?hash=d48c85aa98e781529693888991414f414e3a55fbac807af949c1d16a8b9ff51c)

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