tikz add tag
Take this code:
    		% Define the circles with transparency and borders
    			\fill[blue] (0,0) circle (2);
    			\fill[red] (2,0) circle (2);
    		% Add black borders to circles
    		\draw[black, thin] (0,0) circle (2);
    		\draw[black, thin] (2,0) circle (2);
    		% Label the sets (centered above circles)
    		\node at (0,2.3) {$A$};
    		\node at (2,2.3) {$B$};

I would like to highlight the border of the intersection and separately the union.  How can I do that?
This will ultimately be two transitions in a beamer presentation.
Top Answer
You can use `\clip` to highlight various sections of the border:


  		% Define the circles with transparency and borders
  			\fill[blue] (0,0) circle (2);
  			\fill[red] (2,0) circle (2);
  		% Add black borders to circles
  		\draw[black, thin] (0,0) circle (2);
  		\draw[black, thin] (2,0) circle (2);
  		% Label the sets (centered above circles)
  		\node at (0,2.3) {$A$};
  		\node at (2,2.3) {$B$};
        \clip (-2.1,-2.1) rectangle (1,2.1);
        \draw[yellow, ultra thick] (0,0) circle (2);
        \clip (0,0) circle (2);
        \draw[green, ultra thick] (2,0) circle (2);


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