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I would like to make a few tweaks to a minted style from within my latex document. Making these changed from within latex makes it easier to distribute the code, e.g. if I use the tweaked style for a package documentation I can just include the .tex file in my submissioin to CTAN and don't have to include a custom pygments style.

My current workaround is to use the `filecontents` environment to smuggle a modified `.style.minted` file into the minted cache directory. This method works, but is a bit limited in regards to the choice of names for the minted cache directory (e.g. I can't use a hidden folder without changing the security settings of my tex distribution).

Now I've come across a method for tweaking the style directly from within the latex document and thought I'd give it a try:

The example seems to work well, but if I try to change the font for comments, I don't see any effect:



\@namedef{PYG@tok@c}{\let\PYG@it=\textbf} % <- does not seem to have any effect


mysql-> select * from firstLine;
| Database           |
mysql-> \help contents
mysql-> \h contents
You asked for help about help category: "Contents"

% Quack


![Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 15.04.35.png](/image?hash=3d011be5e8a114b9232760b3b7654056949bd8feff23f47f834d55517b5e82f8)

If I make the same change for `PYG@tok@c` in ``, I do get an upright comment.

Does anybody know, why changing `PYG@tok@go` in the above example works, but changing `PYG@tok@c` doesn't seem to have an effect?  

(I'm using minted v3.0.0)
Top Answer
... so, rubber duck debugging worked at its finest :duck:

The problem seems to have indeed been that the style file would overwrite my changes. If I smuggle them in later, I get the desired result. Thanks to all the ducks for listening :)



  % optional arguments
  % macros
  \@namedef{PYG@tok@k}{\def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor{red}{\bfseries ##1}}}%
  % curly brakets
  \@namedef{PYG@tok@nb}{\def\PYG@tc##1{\textcolor{red}{\bfseries ##1}}}%
  % comments


% a duck


![Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 17.18.31.png](/image?hash=ea0d005a8d6faa3499579fcad0064e3f717084e0ecbbd14cbce8fedbdcfde61f)

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