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I am trying to put a subequations environment inside a tcolorbox. However, the result has too much space at the top of the box. I am aware of the `ams align` key in tcolorbox, but I can't use it because the subequations environment wraps around the align environment in this case.



a \\

Top Answer
You could use the `ams nodisplayskip` option:




\begin{tcolorbox}[ams nodisplayskip]
a \\


![Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 13.30.23.png](/image?hash=c025ea2f1f280a50767dd34355dde95cfc450b04afff2b9d259a76f3fe1056aa)
Answer #2
You could avoid the extra space by loading the `nccmath` package (if you have more math in your document, check carefully if everything still looks as it should as this might influence other things as well):




a \\


![Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 13.45.07.png](/image?hash=d48497fabc088590b4d6ad43e7a7513cfccd699537ade440556932cfa9f24f0b)

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