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*Background: my git client allows to choose an icon for each repository, which makes it easier to recognise them in an overview. To do this one simply places a graphic with the name "icon" or "logo" in folder of the repository. Allowed file formats are `.tiff`, `.png`, `.jpg`, `.gif`, or `icns`. I thought it would be nice to have document automatically create such a file with the theme colour of the document.*


In addition to creating a document, I would also like to also create a separate pixel graphic which is a simple square filled with a solid colour. The colour is defined in the preamble of the document. How can I do this?

A simple MWE as starting point:

\definecolor{duck}{RGB}{255, 216, 1}


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Top Answer
Using the colour conversion/extraction from one can then for example pass the extracted colour to image magick to create a pixel graphic:

% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: on, interaction: nonstopmode, shell: yes}



\iexec{magick -size 100x100 xc:rgb\\(\RGBcolorspec\\) icon.png}

Answer #2
It is probably silly to use TikZ to create a simple square, but one can use the `external` library for this:

% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: pdflatex: {synctex: on, interaction: nonstopmode, shell: yes}
\definecolor{duck}{RGB}{255, 216, 1}

  png export/.style={
    external/system call/.append={
      ; convert -density 255 -transparent white "\image.pdf" "icon.png"

    \tikzset{png export}
    \fill[duck] (0,0) rectangle (1,1);




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