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Consider the following beamer file:


input-digits = 0123456789\pi,per-mode = fraction,range-units = single,
\AtBeginDocument{\sisetup{unit-font-command = \mathrm}}

$x=\mu$; A distance equal to \qty{100}{\um}.

I want the equations and the units' symbols to be typed in serif font. That's why I do`\usefonttheme[onlymath]{serif}` and `\AtBeginDocument{\sisetup{unit-font-command = \mathrm}}`.

But I noticed that the `μ` in micro meter units is typed in the beamer main document font. How to fix it?

Top Answer
You redefine micro to e.g. use the upright μ from the `upgreek` package:

% !TeX TS-program = lualatex

  input-digits = 0123456789\pi,
  per-mode = fraction,
  range-units = single,
\AtBeginDocument{\sisetup{unit-font-command = \mathrm}}


$x=\mu$; A distance equal to \qty{100}{\um}.


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