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I have a tabularray table with custom hlines. I would like to remove just one of the horizontal lines, but I'm not sure how to do it. I've tried using the `\SetRow{}` and `\hline[]` commands with different parameters, but with no luck. So in the simplified example below, I would like to remove the line between the "b b" and "c c" rows.




a & a \\
b & b \\
c & c

Top Answer
You can set the line width to zero for this particular hline:




a & a \\
b & b \\
c & c


a & a \\
b & b \\\SetHline[1]{1-2}{0pt}
c & c


![Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 23.28.09.png](/image?hash=905ce577e897aaff8511e136b43fd0ca9c18ce503e01444c342ed319cac0b1d1)

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