beamer add tag
Compholio (imported from SE)
I am attempting to use overlays with figures to save myself from creating a different image for each slide. The overlay works with any text I include, but not with the figures.  For example:

			Test A
			Test B
			Test C

Results in the text "Test B" and "Test C" being shaded on the first slide, but the figures corresponding to "problem-b" and "problem-c" are not shaded.
Top Answer
samcarter (imported from SE)
Another approach could be to temporarily cover the image with a semi-transparent shape:

    	Test A
    	\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (B) at (4,0) {\includegraphics[width=2cm,page=2]{example-image-duck}};
    	    \fill [draw=none, fill=white, fill opacity=0.7] (B.north west) -- (B.north east) -- (B.south east) -- (B.south west) -- (B.north west) -- cycle;
    	Test B
    	    \node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (B) at (4,0) {\includegraphics[width=2cm,page=3]{example-image-duck}};
    	        \fill [draw=none, fill=white, fill opacity=0.7] (B.north west) -- (B.north east) -- (B.south east) -- (B.south west) -- (B.north west) -- cycle;
    	Test C

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

Answer #2
Xavi Ivars (imported from SE)
I've done something similar doing the following:

                    \onslide<1->{Test A}                    
                    \onslide<1->{Test B}
                    \onslide<1->{Test C}

Maybe its useful to you
Answer #3
andrers52 (imported from SE)
You can find more information about using imported graphics in pdflatex in this [document][1]. 
Look for Chapter 12: "Overlaying Two Imported Graphics".

Answer #4
Compholio (imported from SE)
For anyone that stumbles upon this, the best thing I've found so far is to use tikz and setup a custom transparency mode:

        \expandafter\xdef\csname beamer@oldcolorhook%
        \expandafter\xdef\csname beamer@oldpgfextension%
        \xdef\beamer@colorhook{\csname beamer@oldcolorhook%
        \xdef\beamer@pgfextension{\csname beamer@oldpgfextension%
    		{\node[opacity=\getbeamertrans] {\includegraphics{#1}};}%

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