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This is mycode. How to get `f(sqrt(2))=2*sqrt(2)+9` in this code?

    >=stealth, scale=1,c/.style={circle,fill,inner sep=1.2pt},
    declare function={a=1;b=3;c=0;d=3;
  \path (current bounding box.south) node[below=4pt, fill=yellow!50]{
    /pgf/number format/frac,/pgf/number format/frac whole=false,
   $ f\left(\dfrac{1}{2}\right)=
    /pgf/number format/frac,/pgf/number format/frac whole=true,
   $ f(-5)=
    /pgf/number format/frac,/pgf/number format/frac whole=true,
   $ f(-25)=
    /pgf/number format/frac,/pgf/number format/frac whole=true,
   $ f(7/9)=
    /pgf/number format/frac,/pgf/number format/frac whole=false,
   $ f(\sqrt{2})=


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