tikz add tag
In the folling example, the matrix option `draw` is not passed to the nodes (we should use `nodes={draw}` for that), but is passed to the nodes in a path (see B).

Which is the rationale behind this behavior?

Moreover, the option `thick` is passed even to the nodes (see D).

Why is there this incoherence?

  draw=red, thick,
  column sep=.2cm, row sep=.1cm
  ] {
  \node {A}; & \draw (0,0) circle (.5cm) node {B};\\
  \node[fill=yellow, circle] {C}; & \node[draw, dashed] {D};\\

![2020-03-01 (3).png](/image?hash=8e355668769ea899ee22feb69adabb89c1f939ae572ac98921029662b1c21e5f)
Top Answer
user 3.14159
In my opinion there is no inconsistency. There are two different keys of the name `draw`. The `draw` key in a node is a switch, and if you do not "switch on" `draw`, no boundary is drawn. Of course, it is perhaps somewhat confusing that if you say `cells={nodes={draw=blue}}`, then the nodes, get drawn **and** the color is set to blue,

  draw=red, thick,cells={nodes={draw=blue}},
  column sep=.2cm, row sep=.1cm
  ] {
  \node {A}; & \draw (0,0) circle (.5cm) node {B};\\
  \node[fill=yellow, circle] {C}; & \node[draw, dashed] {D};\\

![Screen Shot 2020-02-29 at 11.32.50 PM.png](/image?hash=42546f1e991c1afedee72579782a5bb5f5a685086b8c95c84bf53fd17155b050)

Maybe the following example illustrates the existence of two different `draw` keys better.

 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=path_draw]
  \path[draw=blue] (0,0) -- (2,1) node[right]{pft};
 \path (path_draw.south) node[below,font=\sffamily] {path \texttt{draw}};
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=node_draw,xshift=4cm]
  \path[nodes={draw=red}] (0,0) -- (2,1) node[right]{pft};
 \path (node_draw.south) node[below,font=\sffamily] {node \texttt{draw}};
 \begin{scope}[local bounding box=both_draw,xshift=8cm]
  \path[draw=blue,nodes={draw=red}] (0,0) -- (2,1) node[right]{pft};
 \path (both_draw.south) node[below,font=\sffamily] {both \texttt{draw} keys};

![Screen Shot 2020-02-29 at 11.39.10 PM.png](/image?hash=4892e99ed4eed40064289e2e694223c410ed2e07f951e05e07d76e45d08171aa)

This illustrates the fact that there are two keys of the same name, and how they work. IMHO this shows that there is no inconsistency/incoherence. You could argue that it is a bit unfortunate that two different keys carry the same name, but IMHO the advantage of having short keys that are easy to remember outweigh the possible downsides.

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