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I’ve posted a question on Texnique, a few days ago ( 

I would like to insert the page numbers in a red triangle. 

@samcarter has proposed an answer in 2019, with blue circles: 


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\fill[blue] (current page.south) circle (2em);
\node[anchor=south,text=white] at (current page.south) {\thepage};




I tried it: that’s OK for the red color, but I don’t know how to get triangle (an inverted triangle: please see example below).

Top Answer
You could modify the code like this:


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
  regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3,shape border rotate=180,
  text width=1em,align=center,inner sep=0pt
] at ([yshift=3em]current page.south) {\thepage};


![Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 15.22.23.png](/image?hash=60ea1685d55d2b6c0b88ac4984af4eb40e2e6d09ff198be848d88737f1ac5204)
Answer #2
I got it! I've just insert `above=3pt`. Which gives us:


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\node[text=white, fill=red, font=\upshape, regular polygon, regular polygon sides=3, shape border rotate=180, text width=1em,align=center,inner sep=0pt, above=3pt] 
		at (current page.south) {\thepage};



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