I would like to hook into `.bbx` files to apply a few fixes to correctly format bibliographies in beamer.
I tried the `scrlfile` and `filehook` packages and they work fine for `.tex` or `.sty` files, but I can't get them to work with `.bbx` files.
A short example that would change the background colour if the hook would work:
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}
The `.log` file shows that the `numeric.bbx` file is found:
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'numeric'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'numeric.bbx' found.
File: numeric.bbx 2019/12/01 v3.14 biblatex bibliography style (PK/MW)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load bibliography style 'standard'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'standard.bbx' found.
File: standard.bbx 2019/12/01 v3.14 biblatex bibliography style (PK/MW)
Any ideas why the above code is not working as expected?
### Update
For everybody interested in this, there is a related discussion going on at and it looks as if biblatex might be going to provide hooks for other packages and classes to use.
Top Answer
*Disclaimer:* This answer just lists why this doesn't work. The below "What could you do" is only a proof of concept, which might break things and I don't advise anybody to actually use that code!
# What is `\input`?
In LaTeX the definition of `\input` is:
\let\@@input\input % saving the TeX primitive
# What do the packages do?
`filehook` hooks into `\@iinput` and doesn't alter `\@@input`, which still is the primitive. It also hooks into `\InputIfFileExists`.
`scrlfile` only hooks into `\InputIfFileExists` and doesn't alter LaTeX's `\input` at all.
# What is `biblatex` doing?
`biblatex` does use its own macro called `\blx@inputonce` to include styles. It is defined as:
{\blx@info@noline{Trying to load #2..}%
{\blx@info@noline{... file '#1' found}%
{\blx@info@noline{... file '#1' not found}#6}%
The important part is, that it only uses `\@@input\@filef@und`, which is neither altered by `filehook` nor by `scrlfile`. So `biblatex` effectively circumvents any hooking mechanism.
# What could you do?
Hook into `\blx@inputonce`, but unfortunately as you need the altered behaviour amidst the package you can only hook into things that are already defined before the package gets loaded and part of `\blx@inputonce`. So the most promising insertion point would be `\IfFileExists` altering it to inject your code if the filename matches anyone you specified. The following does so by altering an `\IfFileExists` internal, use at your own risk, this might break things if some code curries arguments!
\@ifundefined{blxhack@prehook@#1}{}{\csname blxhack@prehook@#1\endcsname}%
\@ifundefined{blxhack@posthook@#1}{}{\csname blxhack@posthook@#1\endcsname}%
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}%
Answer #2
@moewew thankfully implemented an interface for this in
So with the development version of biblatex this is now very easy to solve:
\mode<presentation>{\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}}%
Answer #3
create your own bbx-file on-the-fly and insert your code after including the `numeric.bbx`:
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=red}