beamer add tag

I have modified `\AtBeginSection` (with this [answer]( with moloch theme but now I get this error when printing the glossary and/or bibliographic references:

47: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \end{frame}
47: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \end{frame}
47: \begin{beamer@framepauses} on input line 47 ended by \end{beamer@frameslide}. \end{frame}
50: Missing number, treated as zero. \frametitle
50: Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted). \frametitle
51: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \printbibliography[heading=bibnumbered]
52: Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \end{frame}
54: \begin{frame} on input line 49 ended by \end{document}. \end{document}
54: You can't use `\end' in internal vertical mode. \end{document}
54: \begin{frame} on input line 49 ended by \end{document}. \end{document}
: Emergency stop.
: File `q.out' has changed.

Here a M(non)WE:


	description={Woodlice are the only entirely terrestrial crustaceans},


		Title  = {Isopoda},
		Author = {Richard Brusca},
		Date   = {August 6, 1997}
		url    = {},





		Among \glspl{woodlouse}, "[m]embers of the suborder Oniscidea (about 5,000 species) are fully terrestrial (sowbugs and pillbugs), and they are by far the most successful group of crustaceans to invade land \cite{ref1}.




Is there any workarround?
Top Answer
### For the bibliography part of the problem:

- missing `,` after the date in the bib file
- beamer does not like it at all if frames are nested. Unfortunately using `\printbibliography[heading=bibnumbered]` will mean that biblatex starts a new section right there in the middle of the frame. This new section will then try to insert the frame of the section page even tough it already is inside a frame. You can avoid the problem by using `heading=none` and add a new section manually before the bibliography frame.

### For the glossaries part:

There is probably an option to switch off starting a new section at the start of the glossary, but I don't know it. The closes I could get with using package options is `\usepackage[numberedsection=false,section=subsubsection,toc=false]{glossaries-extra}`. This will still start a subsubsection instead of a section and thus allow the document to compile. It will also disable adding an entry to the toc which resulted in a malformed entry because glossaries tried to include the page number, which is normally not shown in a beamer toc. 

However I'd prefer to not using sectioning commands like `\subsubsection` within a frame. A brute force approach which disables the glossary section:




	description={Woodlice are the only entirely terrestrial crustaceans},


		title  = {Isopoda},
		author = {Richard Brusca},
		date   = {August 6, 1997},
		url    = {}




     "[m]embers of the suborder Oniscidea (about 5,000 species) are fully terrestrial (sowbugs and pillbugs), and they are by far the most successful group of crustaceans to invade land \cite{ref1}.




![Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 23.36.40.png](/image?hash=7ebd6b1384ab71b500a97a4a836469a63b26f1d0f2dab35039779b3bfe2e2421)

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