I would like to display a table of contents on each sectionpage with metropolis theme.
## Attempt
I tried to modify `\AtBeginSection` as follows (see output below):
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
\section{Section 1}
Test in section 1
\section{Section 2}
Test in section 2
## Problems
1. The footline and headline are not removed.
2. The text is shifted to the top of the page compared to with the original sectionpage text (which is positioned in the middle of a blank page).
## Additional element
I would like the sectionpage to not increase the number of page as the orignal sectionpage does.
## Outputs
My MWE output:

Original sectionpage:

Top Answer
You could use a plain frame for the section page.
In addition, I would suggest to use the `moloch` theme instead of `metropolis`. It is a more modern fork which avoids most of the problems of the original `metropolis` theme.
\setbeamertemplate{page number in head/foot}[pagenumber]
\section{Section 1}
Test in section 1
\section{Section 2}
Test in section 2