[We have the opportunity]( to choose our own icon for community wiki posts at TopTeX. It will be used for post like [About TopTeX](
I think this calls for a little contest :)
Please add your answers until Feb, 29th
P.S. We just need an image, so LaTeX sources are not necessary (but I don't think anybody will complain, if they are included in an answer :) )
Top Answer
We could use the same icon as for your chat room. The tophat in the code below looks a bit nicer than the one from the chatroom, but I'm sure we can ask to unify both
\begin{scope}[transform shape,rotate=-17.5,font=\sffamily]
% brim
\fill[black] (0.62, 0.66) .. controls (0.62, 0.52) and (0.34, 0.37) .. (0, 0.37) .. controls (-0.34, 0.37) and (-0.62, 0.52) .. (-0.62, 0.66) .. controls (-0.62, 0.8) and (-0.34, 0.7) .. (0, 0.7) .. controls (0.34, 0.7) and (0.62, 0.8) .. (0.62, 0.66) -- cycle;
% top ellipse
\fill[black] (0,1.13) ellipse (0.42 and 0.1);
\fill[black] (-0.37,0.61) -- (0.37,0.61) -- (0.42,1.13) -- (-0.42,1.13) -- cycle;
% bottom ellipse
\fill[dred] (0,0.61) ellipse (0.37 and 0.1);
\fill[dred] (-0.37,0.61) -- (0.37,0.61) -- (0.38,0.73) -- (-0.38,0.73) -- cycle;
% cutout
\fill[black] (0,0.73) ellipse (0.38 and 0.1);
% text
\node[white] at (-0.2,0.92) {T};
\node[white] at (-0.04,0.84) {E};
\node[white] at (0.16,0.92) {X};
The result would then look like
Answer #2
Does it have to be drawn in something \*TeX-ish? If not, here's a thought...
That's just the TA "logo" with three question marks placed to suggest the TeX identity. I thought I chose the `?` strategically (is it from "erewhon"?) but it doesn't scale down so well. Here's 24x24px:
Oh well! Just for the banter in any case! :grin: It was "drawn" in Inkscape, so there is an SVG ... not that anyone would want it.
Answer #3
No special symbol for TopTeX community wiki, instead use the global symbol (which is currently shown as Earth)