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user 3.14159
Given that the Academy Awards (aka Oscar Awards) are not really fair (Ti*k*Zlings never even made it to the final), let us have our own

![Screen Shot 2020-02-09 at 10.18.04 PM.png](/image?hash=c820ab5886e6cca4166c8bcba17c9a179669346b8d058d9b95b1507f3863b53e)

The best short movie will win. Due date for submission is July 24th, i.e. the same as for the TUG 2020 contest. Only submissions with LaTeX source code will be considered.
Top Answer
user 3.14159
Secretly recorded dialogue.

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\node[ellipse callout, draw,fill=white,align=center,text width=2.5cm,
anchor=south east,
 callout absolute pointer={(0.41,0.35)},#1] at (0.35,0.5)  {#2};
\node[ellipse callout, draw,fill=white,align=center,text width=2.5cm,
anchor=south west,
 callout absolute pointer={(0.61,0.35)},#1] at (0.65,0.5)  {#2};
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\foreach \X in {1,...,42} 
\fill (current page.south west) rectangle (current page.north east);
\begin{scope}[shift={(current page.south west)},%
x={($(current page.south east)-(current page.south west)$)},
y={($(current page.north east)-(current page.south east)$)}]
\only<7->{\foreach \X in {1,...,84}
\foreach \X in \LstStars
{\path \X node[star,fill=yellow,inner sep={2*(1+rnd)*1pt}] {};}
\fill[gray] ([yshift=2cm]current page.south west) to[bend left=8]
([yshift=2cm]current page.south east) |- (current page.south west);
\CatSays[node font=\large\bfseries]{MEOW!}
\MarmotSays{I think we can talk normal. Nobody is watching us.}
\CatSays{Think so, too.}
\MarmotSays{BTW, did you know that 80\%
 of the matter of our universe is duck matter?}
\CatSays{Really? I always
 thought it was \emph{dark} matter.}
\CatSays{OK OK, I see your  point.}

Answer #2
# Live from the red carpet

% !TeX TS-program = latexmk -latexoption="-shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode" % | txs:///view-pdf | convert -delay 300 -loop 0 -density 100 -alpha remove %.pdf %.gif

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\setbeamercolor{background canvas}{bg=black}

	\fill[gray!#1!black] (0,0) ellipse[x radius=1,y radius=0.3];
	\fill[gray!#1!black] (-1,0.05) -- (1,0.05) -- (0,0.6) -- cycle;
	\fill[gray!#1!black] (-0.1,0) rectangle (0.1,3);

	\shade[top color=red!30!black, bottom color=red!70!black]  (1.1405,3.1581) .. controls (1.0576,3.1548) and (1.0042,3.1710) .. (1.0042,3.1710){[rotate=0.09] arc(-39.804:3.675:0.143)} .. controls (1.0369,3.2718) and (1.1932,3.2168) .. (1.3962,3.3507) .. controls (1.5993,3.4846) and (1.8498,3.8188) .. (1.9890,4.6312){[rotate=0.09] arc(131.018:94.676:0.143)} .. controls (2.2524,4.5418) and (2.3985,4.5361) .. (2.5303,4.5897) .. controls (2.6620,4.6433) and (2.7801,4.7642) .. (2.8764,4.9049) .. controls (3.0688,5.1863) and (3.1711,5.5375) .. (3.1711,5.5375){[rotate=0.09] arc(232.107:275.586:0.143)} .. controls (3.2729,5.5082) and (3.1694,5.1457) .. (2.9638,4.8451) .. controls (2.8610,4.6948) and (2.7320,4.5575) .. (2.5702,4.4916) .. controls (2.4266,4.4332) and (2.2572,4.4428) .. (2.0789,4.5419) .. controls (1.9344,3.7664) and (1.6842,3.4138) .. (1.4546,3.2623) .. controls (1.3361,3.1842) and (1.2235,3.1614) .. (1.1405,3.1581) -- cycle;

		ellipse callout, 
		text width=3.5cm,

% Externalizing the golden marmot statue because the transparency did not work for the conversion to gif
%\tikzset{external/force remake}

	external/system call/.add={}{
		/usr/bin/sips -s format png "\image.pdf" --out "\image.png";
	/pgf/images/external info,
	/pgf/images/include external/.code={\includegraphics[width=\pgfexternalwidth]{#1.png}},





% code for the golden marmot statue and GoldLeaf.jpg from
	\begin{scope}[local bounding box=X,opacity=0]%
	\path[overlay] (  node[opacity=0,inner sep=0pt] (img) {\includegraphics{GoldLeaf.jpg}}[
		path fading=temp,
		fit fading=false,
		fading transform={shift={(}}
  	let \p1=($(X.north east)-(X.south west)+(0.3,0.3)$),
  			\p2=($(img.north east)-(img.south west)+(0.3,0.3)$) in (  
  			node[inner sep=0pt,anchor=center]{

Live from the\linebreak TikZling Academy Awards


\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]

% red carpet
\shade[top color=black, bottom color=red!50!black] (current page.south east) -- (current page.south west) -- (current page.north) -- cycle;

% poles

% rope

% spotlights
\fill[yellow!20!white] (0,3.5) circle[radius=0.25];
\fill[yellow!20!white] (1.5,3.3) circle[radius=0.2];
\fill[yellow!20!white] (3,3.1) circle[radius=0.15];
	\fill[yellow!20!white] (0.25,3.5) -- (-0.25,3.5) -- (1.5,-4.5) -- (5.5,-4.5) -- cycle (3.5,-4.5) ellipse[x radius=2, y radius=0.8];
	\fill[yellow!20!white] (1.7,3.3) -- (1.3,3.3) -- (2,-3) -- (5.5,-3) -- cycle (3.75,-3) ellipse[x radius=1.75, y radius=0.8];
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	\fill[yellow!20!white] (0,3.5) circle[radius=0.25];
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		\fill[yellow!20!white] (3.15,3.1) -- (2.85,3.1) -- (2.5,-1) -- (5.5,-1) -- cycle (4,-1) ellipse[x radius=1.5, y radius=0.8];

% Ms. Marmot

% open mouth
	\draw<1,2,4,5,6,9,10,13,14,16>[brown!50!black, fill=red!30!gray] (0.145,1.51) arc [start angle=-20, end angle=-160, radius=0.16] -- (-0.14,1.51) -- (-0.14,1.51) arc [start angle=-160, end angle=-20, x radius=0.144, y radius=0.05] -- cycle ;

% hair
	\fill[brown!50!white] (2.0201,0.0901) .. controls (1.6323,0.0966) and (1.2459,0.3061) .. (0.9988,0.8087) .. controls (0.6334,1.5906) and (0.5612,1.4448) .. (0.1769,1.4988) .. controls (0.2345,1.8704) and (0.4938,1.8402) .. (0.5104,1.8485) .. controls (0.4226,1.9130) and (0.0072,2.1269) .. (0.1047,2.3381) .. controls (0.2681,2.1960) and (0.9031,2.2368) .. (0.3121,2.5500) .. controls (0.2977,2.5556) and (0.4744,2.6744) .. (0.7330,2.5749) .. controls (1.4192,2.2718) and (0.6557,0.9667) .. (2.0513,0.6112) .. controls (2.1041,0.5913) and (2.1570,0.5779) .. (2.2097,0.5701) .. controls (2.2623,0.5779) and (2.3152,0.5913) .. (2.3681,0.6112) .. controls (3.7636,0.9667) and (2.9121,2.4353) .. (3.5983,2.7384) .. controls (3.8568,2.8379) and (4.0713,2.8072) .. (4.1827,2.5878) .. controls (4.0987,2.6004) and (3.8318,2.5241) .. (4.0075,2.4390) .. controls (4.1653,2.4134) and (4.3019,2.3124) .. (4.3398,2.1620) .. controls (4.4372,1.9508) and (4.1728,2.1017) .. (4.0850,2.0372) .. controls (4.2023,1.9786) and (4.4112,1.9206) .. (4.4562,1.8258) .. controls (4.2101,1.8217) and (3.9166,1.8409) .. (3.7412,1.6503) .. controls (3.5922,1.3864) and (3.5515,1.0808) .. (3.4205,0.8087) .. controls (3.1331,0.2241) and (2.6571,0.0361) .. (2.2097,0.1029) .. controls (2.1468,0.0935) and (2.0835,0.0891) .. (2.0201,0.0901) -- cycle;

% dress
	\fill[cyan!40!gray] (3.9392,6.2701) -- (3.1076,6.2934) .. controls (3.2239,6.2379) and (3.0852,6.0280) .. (3.1085,5.6297) .. controls (3.2745,5.3921) and (3.2946,5.7384) .. (3.5301,5.7384) .. controls (3.7655,5.7384) and (3.7390,5.3987) .. (3.9383,5.6264) .. controls (3.9837,5.8279) and (3.8306,6.1943) .. (3.9392,6.2701) -- cycle;

% re-drawing arms on top of dress
	\fill[brown!50!black,rotate around={70:(0.385,0.93)}] (0.385,0.93) ellipse[x radius=0.24, y radius=0.13];
	\fill[brown!50!black,rotate around={-70:(-0.385,0.93)}] (-0.385,0.93) ellipse[x radius=0.24, y radius=0.13];

% microphone
\fill[lightgray] (4.35,-3.3) -- (4.45,-3.3) -- (4.5,-2.7) -- (4.3,-2.7);
\fill[darkgray] (4.4,-2.6) circle[radius=0.18];

% Mr. Bär
    	top color=blue,
    	bottom color=green

% open mouth
	\draw<3,7,8,11,12,15>[brown!50!black, fill=red!30!gray] (0.145,1.51) arc [start angle=-20, end angle=-160, radius=0.16] -- (-0.14,1.51) -- (-0.14,1.51) arc [start angle=-160, end angle=-20, x radius=0.144, y radius=0.05] -- cycle ;

% dialogue
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {This is Christine live from the red carpet};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {With me today: the famous B\"ar!};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(7.4,-2.25)}] at (8.5,1) {Hi! Nice to see you!};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {You are nominated for the TikZling Academy Awards in two categories \ldots};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {\ldots as "best actor" and "best assistant b\"ar".};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {How did you manage that?};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(7.4,-2.25)}] at (8.5,1) {Both nominations are for the "The Great Tikzlings Christmas Extravaganza" \ldots};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(7.4,-2.25)}] at (8.5,1) {\ldots an incredible movie series I really enjoy to contribute both behind and in front of the camera};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {I heard rumours that the whole production of the last episode was done in only a couple of weeks \ldots};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {\ldots wasn't that very stressful?};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(7.4,-2.25)}] at (8.5,1) {You're right. Many of the team members had to fit TGTCE around other commitments \ldots};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(7.4,-2.25)}] at (8.5,1) {\ldots but we managed to finish in time for Christmas.};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {And now the traditional red carpet question:};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {Which designer created this fabulous shirt?};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(7.4,-2.25)}] at (8.5,1) {Actually, it is from my new BearWear collection!};
\node<+>[mystyle, callout absolute pointer={(3.3,-2)}] at (2,1) {Oh! Is it also available in marmot size?};


In case someone has not yet seen the movie the bear talks about:

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