tikz add tag
I have two curves sampled as shown below:

% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///lualatex/[--shell-escape]
\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
\begin{axis}[width=2in, height=2in,xmin = 0, xmax = 1050, ymin = 0, ymax = 10, ylabel = {[$\sim$]}, xlabel = {[\#]},legend style={at={(1,0)}, anchor=south east, font=\tiny, draw=none, fill=none}]	;
\addplot [mesh, domain = 0:1000,samples=300] {5*(1-exp(-0.003*x))};
\addplot [black, domain=0:1000, samples = 18, only marks, mark size = 1pt, mark = +] {5*(1-exp(-0.003*x))};
\addplot [black, domain=0:1100, samples = 18, only marks, mark size = 1pt, mark = +] {10 - 5*(1-exp(-0.003*x))};

I want to draw lines between the sampled data-points shown below:


But not sure how to achieve it.
Top Answer
user 3.14159
Another way is to use `nodes near coords`.
\pgfplotsset{% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/75811/121799
    name nodes near coords/.style={nodes near coords={},
        every node near coord/.append style={anchor=center,coordinate,
    name nodes near coords/.default=coordnode

\begin{axis}[width=2in, height=2in,xmin = 0, xmax = 1050, ymin = 0, ymax = 10,
ylabel = {[$\sim$]}, xlabel = {[\#]},legend style={at={(1,0)}, anchor=south
east, font=\tiny, draw=none, fill=none},declare function={f(\x)=5*(1-exp(-0.003*\x));}]	;
\addplot [mesh, domain = 0:1000,samples=300] {f(x)};
\addplot [black, domain=0:1000, samples = 18, only marks, mark size = 1pt, mark=
+,name nodes near coords=T] {f(x)};
\addplot [black, domain=0:1100, samples = 18, only marks, mark size = 1pt, mark
= +,name nodes near coords=B] {10 -f(x)};
\foreach \X in {0,...,16}
{\draw (B-\X) -- (T-\X);}

![Screen Shot 2020-02-07 at 7.53.29 AM.png](/image?hash=482e506e2a903f21ce321a71ccb60db9bd7b6e581ac49476aad616c33b356798)

A potential problem is that the last mark on the upper plot gets clipped away, and thus not connected.
Answer #2
Not very elegant, but worst case you could add the lines manually:

\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}

  declare function={

\begin{axis}[width=2in, height=2in,xmin = 0, xmax = 1050, ymin = 0, ymax = 10, ylabel = {[$\sim$]}, xlabel = {[\#]},legend style={at={(1,0)}, anchor=south east, font=\tiny, draw=none, fill=none}]	;
\addplot [mesh, domain = 0:1000,samples=300] {f(x)};
\addplot [black, domain=0:1000, samples = 18, only marks, mark size = 1pt, mark = +] {f(x)};
\addplot [black, domain=0:1100, samples = 18, only marks, mark size = 1pt, mark = +] {10 - f(x)};
\foreach \i in {0,...,18}{
  \addplot[mark=none] coordinates {(\i*1100/17,{10-f(x)}) (\i*1000/17,{f(x)})};


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