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This year's TeX User Group meeting will take place in Rochester (see for details).

To commemorate this event, this contest asks you to use TeX, LaTeX and friends to produce something related to Rochester. 

Some suggestions:

- typeset the city name in some creative way
- let you inspired by some of the cities nicknames "The Flour City", "The Flower City" and "The World's Image Center"
- Write a text whose paragraphs are shaped like the city skyline 
- a complete map of the marmot burrows below the city drawn in TikZ
- ...

Please add your answer before July 24, 2020
Top Answer
A TikZification of a Cubist sculpture outside the Strong Museum in Rochester:





\fill[orange,rotate around={10:(-0.77, -0.65)} ] (-0.77,-0.65) rectangle ++(0.34,0.34);

\fill[red!20!black] (1.5,0.3) -- (0.8,0.2) -- (1.37,0.45) -- cycle;
\fill[red] (1.37,0.45) -- (0.8,0.2) -- (0.2,0.35) -- (1.22,0.99) -- cycle;
\fill[red!30!lightgray] (1.37,0.45) -- (1.5,0.3) -- (1.5,0.55) -- (1.22,0.99) -- cycle;

\fill[blue,rotate around={19:(-0.57,-0.7)}] (-0.57,-0.7) rectangle ++(1.2,1.2);

\fill[yellow] (-0.15,-0.74) -- (-0.15,0.42) -- (0.8,0.3) -- (0.8,-0.7) -- cycle;
\fill[yellow!70!black] (-0.15,-0.74) -- (-0.15,0.42) -- (-0.28,0.25) -- (-0.28,-0.7) -- cycle;

\fill[green!50!black] (0.37,0.26) -- (1.5,0.3) -- (1.5,-0.85) -- (0.45,-0.7) -- cycle;


(Photo from
Answer #2
user 3.14159
A version of the [flag of Rochester](,_New_York) that is adjusted to the event.

 \fill (60:0.2) arc[start angle=60,end angle=-240,radius=0.2]
  arc[start angle=180-\myangle,end angle=360+\myangle,radius=0.15];}}]
   \draw[line width=2pt,line join=round] (-1.2,4.9) -- (-1.3,5) --
	(-1.2,5.1) -- (-0.6,5.1) 
	arc[x radius=0.6cm,y radius=0.75cm,start angle=180,end angle=0]
	-- (1.2,5.1) -- (1.3,5) --  (1.2,4.9) -- (1.2,2.7) -- (1,2.5) -- (0.2,2.5)
	-- (0,2.3) -- (-0.2,2.5) -- (-1,2.5) -- (-1.2,2.7) -- cycle;
   \draw[line width=1pt,rounded corners=1mm,red,fill=RochesterYellow] (0,4.5) -- (0.8,4.5) -| (0.7,4) |- (0.3,3)
   -| (0,2.9) |- (-0.3,3) -| (-0.7,4) |- (-0.8,4.5) -- cycle;
   \fill (-0.7cm+0.5pt,3.95) rectangle (0.7cm-0.5pt,3.55);
   \path (-0.35,4.2) pic{pft} (0.35,4.2) pic{pft} (0,3.3) pic{pft};
  \fill[RochesterBlue] (-6,0) rectangle (-2,7.2);
  \fill[RochesterYellow] (6,0) rectangle (2,7.2);
  \node[font=\bfseries\sffamily,scale=1.67] at (0,1.6) {ROCHESTER};

![Screen Shot 2020-02-08 at 12.27.10 PM.png](/image?hash=e2c0f3b46f4b45fbb8b3368553e766083de6e7888a1e490bc27195d26c429837)


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