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I was getting one error (i.e. `! Missing number, treated as zero.`) which I found irrelevant. I checked the brackets many a times and I think I am right at them. My question is why is `\\` good for the first line, but not good for the second line? Also replacing `\par` with a blank line gives the exact result that I want, but why `\\` doesn't work? The code is as follows -


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Your issue has nothing to do with LaTeX's math typesetting or the material you put in math mode. A minimal non-working example to this looks like the following:



The issue is that `\\` takes an optional argument, and while parsing for that argument spaces are ignored, so the above is equivalent (for LaTeX) to:



What happens now is that `\\` takes the optional argument (`def` in the first and `ghi` in the second case) and tries to use that optional argument, which should specify an additional vertical space inserted after the linebreak, as a correct dimension. So TeX begins to parse `def` as a dimension, finds that this is not a valid skip or dimen register and parses for a valid float followed by a valid unit, hence throwing the missing number error.

To solve this you have to "hide" the `[` as the opening delimiter of the optional argument. You can do so by putting a `\relax` after `\\`:



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