add tag
I am writing and exam and I want page # of ## in the middle bottom of every page, including the front page. I need "Question continues..." in the bottom right of pages where a question has not finished. Here is my MWE:

\documentclass[answers, addpoints]{exam}

\cfoot{} % Empty center footer

\footer{}{\iflastpage{\vspace{-10cm}END OF EXAM}{\textit{Page \thepage{} of \numpages}}}
{\ifincomplete{\textit{Question continues...}}{\textit{Page \thepage{} of \numpages}}}


This works ok except it gives me page 1 of 3 in both the middle bottom and the bottom right on page 1. I want it only once and in the middle.
Top Answer
You could remove the `\textit{Page \thepage{} of \numpages}` from the right footer:

\documentclass[answers, addpoints]{exam}

\footer{}{\textit{Page \thepage{} of \numpages}}{\ifincomplete{\textit{Question continues...}}{}}

\AddToHook{env/document/end}{\vskip3cm\centering END OF EXAM}


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