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I have this tree:


  \node[circle, draw] (2) {2}
    child[edge from parent fork down] { node[circle, draw] (3) {3}
      child { node[circle, draw] (4) {4}
        child { node[circle, draw] (5) {5}
          child { node[circle, draw] (16) {16} }
          child { node[circle, draw] (9) {9} }
        child { node[circle, draw] (7) {7}
          child { node[circle, draw] (11) {11} }
          child { node[circle, draw] (18) {18} }

The problem is nodes 9 and 11 and written on top of each other.



Using the forest package, as suggested with:


  for tree={
minimum width=3em}

it is much improved. But how can I get the edges from nodes 2 and 3 to go in the correct direction? Currently they point straight down.

Top Answer
This worked in the end:


  for tree={
    minimum width=3em,
    [,no edge, draw=none]
      [, no edge, draw=none]


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