My code
\node[shape=circle, draw, minimum size=1.5em, inner sep=0pt , thick] (char) {#1};}}
\renewcommand{\choiceshook}{\settowidth{\leftmargin}{\circled{W}.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 0em}}
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\choice 3
\CorrectChoice 4
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 4
\choice 2
\choice 3
\question What is the result of $1+2$?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\CorrectChoice 3
\choice 4
\question What is the result of $1+1$?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 2
\choice 3
\choice 4
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\choice 3
\CorrectChoice 4
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 4
\choice 2
\choice 3
\question What is the result of $1+2$?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\CorrectChoice 3
\choice 4
\question What is the result of $1+1$?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 2
\choice 3
\choice 4
Instead of "1. What is 2 + 2?" I want to "Question 1. What is 2 + 2?"
Top Answer
You can redefine the `\questionlabel` like this:
\node[shape=circle, draw, minimum size=1.5em, inner sep=0pt , thick] (char) {#1};}}
\renewcommand{\choiceshook}{\settowidth{\leftmargin}{\circled{W}.\hskip\labelsep\hskip 0em}}
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\choice 3
\CorrectChoice 4
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 4
\choice 2
\choice 3
\question What is the result of $1+2$?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\CorrectChoice 3
\choice 4
\question What is the result of $1+1$?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 2
\choice 3
\choice 4
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\choice 3
\CorrectChoice 4
\question What is 2+2?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 4
\choice 2
\choice 3
\question What is the result of $1+2$?
\choice 1
\choice 2
\CorrectChoice 3
\choice 4
\question What is the result of $1+1$?
\choice 1
\CorrectChoice 2
\choice 3
\choice 4
![Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 15.34.39.png](/image?hash=44cd4e1a5cebabe1447120ee6d4046a6e599d9c8803b9fc5cb4ccb8c6947ec80)