I intend to record video lectures. I am using Beamer for making the slides. How can I keep a rectangle space with aspect ratio of 4:3 (actual resolution is 640x480) on any corner so that it remains blank and all the other content simply wraps around it on all slides. In this rectangle area, I will have my video feed (640x480) on and the screen recorder will record my video+audio and the slides on an 1920x1080 resolution. The rectangular area should remain blank (without any border) since the same slides will be distributed.
I have added the rectangle space in the image below as I would like to have it. I have no idea where to start searching for a solution. Can you give me some pointers or suggestions? [![rectangle area should remain untouched.][1]][1]
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/PTYwm.jpg
Top Answer
For simple cases like text etc. you could use the `shapepar` package to produce the desired cutout.
A small example to give you something to start with:
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
For more complicate frames with columns etc. some manual fine tuning will be necessary.
*(I would prefer if this answer would not be copied to tex.se)*