I occasionally convert svg images to tikz with the help of [svg2tikz]( The resulting tikz code uses hex colour names in the format of `crrggbb` in which `r`, `g` and `b` are hexadecimal figures, e.g. `cffa500`.
To use this code I normally either have to add suitable definitions in my document, e.g. `\definecolour{cffa500}{HTML}{ffa500}` or I have to replace all the colours by defined colours. Both is a bit laborious if I just want to have a quick look at the image.
That's why I am wondering if one might hack xcolor so that instead of throwing an undefined colour error, it tests if the missing colour starts with `c` and if yes defines this missing colour on the fly. (This will cause strange problems if there are other undefined colours starting with `c`, but I'm willing to take this risk)
The following code seems to work for commands like `\color` and `\textcolor`, but if I try to use it with tikz, it fails with `! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color cffa500.`.
}{\typeout{patching xcolor sucess}}{\typeout{patching xcolor failure}}
%\tikz{\path[fill=cffa500] (0,0) circle[radius=2];}
P.S. in case someone is wondering why not simply define all possible hex colours? An input file with a complete list of them is about 600 MB and I have yet to find out how long it takes to input this list into a document because the job is still running ... either it takes a really long time which is impractical or it hangs indefinitely
Top Answer
user 3.14159
I think that the patch is not complete, for instance `\colorlet` also leads to an error. So I am wondering if defining your own fill may be an option.
}{\typeout{patching xcolor sucess}}{\typeout{patching xcolor failure}}
%\colorlet{mycolor}{cffa500} %<also fails
\tikz{\fill[Fill=cffa500] (0,0) circle[radius=2];}
![Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 10.16.53 AM.png](/image?hash=dee8d749e53737ed737a1965fafc11b44f3584eb32fa73085a5c38d6c00afa66)
Answer #2
@marmots great answer made me realize that I was totally barking up the wrong tree. Instead of trying to hack `xcolor`, one can tackle the problem from the `tikz` side.
One possibility (probably not the best) is to hook into the definition of `\pgfsetfillcolor`
% for arrow tips:
\path[fill=cyan] (2,0) circle[radius=2];
\path[fill=cffa500] (4,0) circle[radius=2];
- this will only influence fill colours, but similar could be done with strokes etc.
- it will run into a problem if combined with non hex colours that also start with `c` and also have 7 characters
Answer #3
Coming back to the original idea to hack xcolor. There is actually a package which already does something similar: The [coloring package]( uses some hacks to define missing colours based the name of the colour for rgb, hsb or grey colours.
The code below is a modified version to define html colours with a prefix of `c`:
% modified from
% hacking \definecolor and \colorlet in xcolor
\tikz{\path[fill=cffa500] (0,0) circle[radius=2];}
![Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 16.54.02.png](/image?hash=faf8521f9dd87b318f8b1a38338b0675056ceee8b29fc904dff7905461759eff)
(use at your own risk, this might very well break things...)