A very commonly used package used in linguistics is `leipzig` which unfortunately results in a warning every time it is used with the default fonts of LaTeX. I already have a question [here](https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=1761) which has a discussion on the issue. The solution provided there by @samcarter is great, but I can't use it as I don't want to change the main font of the document. In [this](https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=1806&id=95823#c95823) comment, @Skillmon points out a potential cause of the warning. I would like to add some code in my TeX-file which changes this behavior, but gives me an output that is similar to the one I get with the current settings. Try the following MWE:
% arara: lualatex
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: lualatex
% arara: lualatex
\Nom\ \Acc\ \Erg\ \Gen\ \Ins\ \Abl
The primary concern is to get rid of the warning even in the most default settings, but I would like to know about a few more possibilities. E.g., I would love to use `bold-extra` small caps shapes ONLY for printing the abbreviations in the list produced by `\printglossary`.
Top Answer
If getting rid of the warning is the main goal, you could use the `silence` package. This won't fix the underlying issue, but you won't see the warning:
% !TeX program = txs:///arara
% arara: lualatex
% arara: makeglossaries
% arara: lualatex
% arara: lualatex
\WarningFilter{latexfont}{Font shape}
\WarningFilter{latexfont}{Some font shapes}
\Nom\ \Acc\ \Erg\ \Gen\ \Ins\ \Abl