tikz add tag
Showcase your fun mouse arrow description.

Possible (boring) option is   [this](

> **Only rule:** Be creative ;)
Top Answer
Mouse arrows look like this:

\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}

    % bow
    \path[fill=brown!70!black] (2.3671,3.6028) .. controls (2.8360,4.0984) and (2.6217,4.3820) .. (2.5614,4.6753) .. controls (2.6693,5.0301) and (2.8249,5.3243) .. (2.3827,5.7245) .. controls (2.6589,5.1687) and (2.5253,5.0156) .. (2.4604,4.6598) .. controls (2.5432,4.3450) and (2.6150,4.1629) .. (2.3671,3.6028) -- cycle;
    % arrow
    \path<1>[draw=black,line width=2pt,-latex] (1.1936,4.6598) -- (3.0821,4.6753);
    \path<2>[draw=black,line width=2pt] (7.5,4.6598) -- (9,4.6753);

    % bowstring
    \path<1>[draw=black,line width=0.5pt] (2.3671,3.6028) -- (1.4578,4.6520) -- (2.3827,5.7245);
    \path<2>[draw=black,line width=0.5pt] (2.3671,3.6028) -- (2.3827,5.7245);


(this also explains why there are holes in cheese :) )

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